About us

We are the Binusian Revolutionaries of Grade 5A. We chose the changing role of print media because people overuse social media. As the rate of print media is decreasing daily, we, the Revolutionaries, are trying to prove people wrong about newspapers.



I chose this topic because print media is not a very known problem worldwide. Most people around the world rely on the internet for data. Only a few still use newspapers because people think print media are something from the past. Online news is taking over quickly. In the future, print media might fade and be forgotten. That's why we are taking action about this problem.


I chose this topic because I see a lot of print media companies shutting down because of the trend of technology. Due to the fact that online news is free and public, print media companies lose profit and are forced to shut down because no one will buy their subscriptions.


I chose this topic because newspapers are losing a lot of demand and digital newspapers are gaining more popularity. Online newspapers are lowering the popularity of newspapers. It is rare to see someone using an actual newspaper and online newspapers are all the craze.


I chose this topic because it is a significant issue and no one really takes it seriously. It is an important issue because it has somewhat changed the world. We need to start taking this issue seriously or print media will disappear entirely from the world. Our goal is to spread awareness and tell the world about it. Hopefully, by the end of our PYPX, more people will learn about this issue.


 I chose this topic because recently, the number of newspapers has decreased, as more people turn to social media. Newspapers are preferred over social media even though social media has numerous negative effects. In contrast, newspapers are also the original. They play a vital role in the overall development of a nation. 

Teacher and parent mentors

Ms. Lea

Teacher mentor

Ms. Wienda

Teacher mentor

Mr. Freitz

Homeroom teacher

Ms. Richel

Parent mentor

Auntie Evelyn

Parent mentor

Auntie Aisa

Parent mentor