Attributes of the IB Learner Profile

We are Inquirers because we thirst for knowledge and we are curious. We are passionate about doing our PYPx and we take action.  We seek answers and we are not afraid to conquer challenges. We demonstrate being inquirers by conducting research, analyzing data, and using our thinking skills to find our way through difficult times.

We are Knowledgeable because we have a deep understanding about the changing roles of print media. We are open-minded and we understand the importance of print media. We are able to understand and apply our knowledge to new situations. We demonstrate our knowledge by applying it in our PYPx.

We are thinkers because we think and wonder. We use our thinking skills to come up with complex solutions to problems and challenges. We are able to use different ideas to solve problems. We are not afraid to face challenges and consider the consequences of our actions.

We are communicators because we express ideas and thoughts when working and listen to each other. We ask each other and help each other. We listen and talk to each other.

We are principled because we are honest and true. We do our work and focus. We don't play games when we are supposed to work on our PYPx .

We are open-minded because we take on new perspectives. We open our minds to ideas. We think and have lots of ideas.

We are caring because we show kindness by working together. We care for each other and help each other during challenges. We are kind to each other and work through the challenges together.

We are risk-takers because we try new things and learn from the information. We are confident when we interview people. We are also brave and courageous. We take risks.

We are balanced because we balance our time working. We balance our work equally between everyone. We understand physical and emotional well-being.

We are reflective because we reflect every week. We reflect on our mistakes and find a way to fix them. We always think before we act.