
Interview questions:
1. Do you think print media is more trustworthy than online media?

2. Can you tell us what were  your memorable experiences?

3. Why did you become a journalist?

4. Do you see yourself working in the print industry in the coming years?

5. If you could, would you stay in the print media industry or go to the media industry? and why?

6. Do you think that print media is better or online media?

7. Do you lose readers?

8. What are the challenges facing the media as a whole?

9. We have learnt many types of media, which one do you think is facing the most challenges?

Mr. Kanisius Dursin

Mr. Kanisius Dursin has been working as a journalist since 1993. We interviewed him, and he pointed out that social media is loved because it is fast. Print media cannot be found in most places. Print media might not be here in the future. 

Mr. Kanisius also emphasized the following points:

The trend now is that people want to get news as quick as possible so they choose online media to get news. Print media are losing a lot of users, readers and money because they need to print and publish their paper. Many people now do not read print media anymore. In print media, the paper is sent to some places. 

Online media is instant. Online media is popular to everyone. Younger generations grow up using online media. On the other hand, older generations still use print media because they are new to online media.

Print media and online media are equal. However, it is important to get our news from credible media. In journalism, we have to stick to the truth and verify the information from different sources. 

Interview questions:

1. Why did you become a journalist? 

2. What does an editor-in-chief do?

3. Can you tell us what your memorable experiences were?

4. What are the challenges you experience as a journalist and as an editor-in chief?

5. Do you think print media is more trustworthy than online media?

6. What are the challenges that print media face now a days?

7. Do you see still yourself working in the print industry in the coming years?

8. If you could, would you stay in the print media industry or go to the media industry? Why?

9. We have learnt many types of media, which one do you think is facing the most challenges?

10. What is the changing role of print media?

11. How is print media adapting to change?

Johanna Son

Ms. Johanna Son is a journalist and editor based in Bangkok, Thailand. She is the editor and founder of Reporting ASEAN Media Program. She is a former editor of Inter Press Service News Agency. She was curious and became a journalist because of it.

Based on our interview with Ms. Johanna, we learnt the following:

Print media is fading. Print media has been in decline for many years now. Some situations are important in print media but people use social media. Print media is known to be old but it is still good.

Print media is very important. If it stays, it can become a life saver. Unlike social media, print media is checked. If a typo is made, it will be fixed.

Ms. Kathy Castro

Ms. Kathy Castro is the editor-in-chief of the ASEAN magazine. When she was in college, TV news communication was a massive trend, like the digital trend now. 

Below are the lessons we learnt from Ms. Kathy.

When you are a journalist, you need to use your senses to gather information. Journalists are always on standby in case there is something happening.

Covid-19 has made it difficult for print media industries to stay in business. Print media is disappearing because of social media. In any type of media, teamwork is required. Print media has a process where people work together to make the print media.

As a journalist, sometimes you can find people having emotional moments. Journalists have to be courageous and strong for what is happening. Journalists mostly cover dangerous stories. Journalists have to be prepared for dangerous situations.

Ms. Aurea Calica

Ms. Aurea Calica is a journalist and editor based in the Philippines. She is a multimedia editor at the Philippine Star and ONE News Philippines. She became a journalist not for the money, not for the fame, not for the fortune, but because it was right.

We learnt from Ms. Aurea the following:

Print media has many challenges. It is competing with social media. Social media is taking their followers and changing their minds. Social media can be false.

Print media is more true than social media. Social media can be posted anonymously or not. Anonymous or not, they can still post fake news on the internet. Print media is obviously the better choice.