
What are the different types of print media?
Print media is the oldest form of media. It delivers news and information by printed works. There are eight types of print media. The types are newspapers, books, magazines, newsletter, flyers, brochures, banners, and billboards. The most common are newspapers, magazines, and books.

Each one is different and for different people. Newspapers tell you what's happening now, magazines talk about special topics, and books are longer stories. Flyers, brochures, banners, and billboards are for advertising. 

What is the importance of print media?
Print media provides generous amounts of reading materials for academic opportunities. It's known for its trustworthiness. It is one of the best ways for information. Print media can be informative. It also allows us to share considerable amounts of information quickly. Print media is healthier than looking at a screen, as looking at a screen may hurt our eyes.

Unlike webpages, print media features a longer life expectancy. Instead of spending a lot of time, on a location in digital media and after that moving on really quickly, brochures and pamphlets can be picked up and put down and referred back to. They can also be passed on to companions or colleagues.

What are the ways print media are adapting to changes? 

The internet changed how people get news and stories, so print media had to change too. They put their stories on websites and apps to make them more interesting. Despite these efforts, digital media already give these offers so the decline of print media continues. 

Print media companies are trying to keep people interested and make money. One way is by offering special subscriptions that give people access to exclusive content and events. Sadly, the new digital world are not interested in news with subscriptions and interested in news with fun entertainment.