Persuasive text

Print Media Against the Internet 

Atmosfer Sutanto 5A

Print media is fading slowly because of social media. People are using social media more than print media. Print media might disappear in the future. Only old and mature people use print media now.   

Many people have different opinions on print media. With many people using social media and few people using print media, it is obvious that print media might fade in the future. Most people prefer social media over print media. Although social media is loved, print media has an advantage over social media. Printed newspapers and magazines can be held and picked up by the user. This creates a connection between the reader and the publication that is hard to feel in the digital world. 

Print media offers lots of information. Publishers of print media create the most interesting and important stories for the reader, making sure that there is enough helpful information. This allows readers to trust print media to inform them about the most relevant and interesting news.  

Print media can help you understand things that are happening near you. It is usually truthful with its information. It can give true information, it can make you aware of certain things, it can tell you what’s happening locally or internationally, and it can teach people of all ages including babies and toddlers. It can be helpful and informative in many ways for everyone. It can teach you anything at any time with much information. 

While print media has certain advantages over digital media, such as its age and experience, the role of print media has changed dramatically over the years. The rise of digital media has transformed the way people get news and information which forces print media to adapt in these modern times. Many people, especially younger generations, now prefer digital and social media to get information. This makes it difficult for print media-creating companies to sustain their operations. 

In conclusion, print media has an important role in our society. While the rise of digital media has made it difficult for print media to adapt, it has also made new opportunities for print media to innovate. To remain relevant, print media must adapt to the changes caused by digital media. The future of print media is unidentifiable, but it will continue to adapt and evolve to meet the expectations of readers in the digital age. 

Engaging minds on paper

Karolyne Melissa Ntalanera Langit Dursin

Have you ever read about print media? Print media is any communication of news published on paper. Although now print media isn’t as famous as digital media, it is still very useful information. It is also more dependable than digital media as people can start hoaxes without being checked if it's true or not. 

In a growing digital world, print media offers advantages to get a break from the screen. Print media is a non-internet news communication, which gives focus without distractions of ads, notifications, or hyperlinks. It also attracts certain age groups and can satisfy local communities. 

In print media, you will be able to read news that is reliable considering the fact that there have been many lawsuits on digital media just because people are spreading fake news. If you consider print media slow/old fashioned, this is because they have to go through many levels of approval like fact checking. 

Print media has a lasting impact. Once printed, the news remains secure and reliable over time, unlike digital content, it can be easily altered or lost. Print publications can be treasured, shared, and preserved for future generations, ensuring long-term importance of information.

Social media has problems that print media doesn't. Social media can spread false information easily because anyone can spread a rumor in just a few seconds on purpose or not. Even if it wasn't on purpose, it shows that social media doesn't go through the same levels of fact checking as print media. Social media allows bullying, raises privacy concerns as there are scammers and hackers in the digital world, and makes people pay less attention to things.

In conclusion, print media should remain a part of our daily lives because it has many positive aspects. A better reading experience, dependability, accessibility, support for the local economy, and a break from digital media. Even while digital media offers advantages, it cannot replace print media’s unique traits. So let’s embrace print media and keep promoting the original material for communication.

The Power of Print Media

Marina 5A

Have you ever read print media and thought why don't we just use online media? It's much easier. The answer is probably yes. Most people would say that using print media is a waste when you can just use online media, but did you know there are many benefits of using print media rather than online media? 

       Firstly, print media is more trustworthy than digital media. This is because once the news is printed and published it can not be edited or deleted. Whereas in digital media, the people that have made the content can change or delete something whenever they want. That means that those who made the print media content is extra careful in making it. Therefore, print media is more trustworthy than digital media. 

       Second of all, using print media is much safer compared to digital media. Let's use Youtube as an example. If an individual wants to share news about themselves and some people don't think that it is interesting to read at all. They might leave unnecessary negative or maybe even hateful comments. This can lead to the creator being upset, depressed and maybe more. It may even eventually lead to them taking their own lives. That would be very bad. With print media if someone is sharing news, since it's on paper, when you read it if you want to hate on it you can't because you can't leave a negative comment right away, it's paper. To wrap up what this paragraph is talking about, print media is safer to use than online media.

     Another reason print media is better than digital media is it makes people more focused on what they are reading. Print media engages more senses, like the scent, texture, quality of the paper. Now you might be thinking why all this has anything to being better than digital media. Well the truth all this makes people more focused!

     Some people may argue that digital media is better if you want news for free or cheap. This is somewhat true but if you want news and want to read it focused with no distractions, it is worth it paying around like Rp 100.000  for 1 month. To be honest its not that bad. Plus even if it's online sometimes you still have to pay. Maybe less, maybe more. Either way it still counts as paying for it.

       In conclusion, print media has a lot of reasons why it is better than digital media. Such as print media being more trustworthy, less hate, more focused and more. People should consider switching to print media from online media.

Print media's Downfall

Kelsey 5A

The issue of print media is a big problem in the newspaper industry. In 2000, people were using 55.8 million newspapers a day. 20 years later it has dropped to 24.2 million. It is a big issue for old fashioned people who like to use print media instead of online media.

The first ever media there was print media. To be more specific, the newspaper was the first ever type of media. If no one uses newspapers and just walks past it and not read it, it will be a huge waste of paper. The print media industry needs to find a way to promote their products for more people to read them.

Digital media is taking over print media in all its tactics but here are some things of print media which are better than digital, not everyone can access so you can give them to the ones you want. Print media is better for your eyes instead of the digital screen. It is also more trustworthy than online media because people can hack the article or edit it. If the paper is already printed no one can edit it.

If people keep throwing away new newspapers or unused newspapers it could possibly have valuable information. The writer or the author took lots of time and dedication on making the newspaper, magazine, or book. It would be better if you read the newspaper or book first and store it somewhere. Instead of throwing it out you can just give it away to a friend or donate it to a school.

Sometimes print media could lead to pollution since there is so much leftover newspapers. If the newspapers get wet it can get mould. Newspapers can also be a problem like ink in water, the ink can wash off and it could make the water dirty. The newspapers can also clog up drains and pipes if in a large amount.

Print media should find a way to promote their products in order to find a way for their business to grow better. Some people still like print media so we have to find ways to make it better and what to improve. Print media is more trustworthy than digital media. Digital media has hackers but no one can edit print media after it has been printed. If people throw away print media the one who wrote the newspaper or book work will be gone, they spent their time and effort to make it. A solution is to give old books or newspapers to low level schools or friends and family that want it.

Off Screen Knowledge

Sara Angelina Tinjani

Print media and social media serve different purposes and have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, when it comes to reliability, information, and the ability to engage readers, print media has a clear advantage over social media.

One of the biPrint media and social media serve different purposes and have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, when it comes to reliability, information, and the ability to engage readers, print media has a clear advantage over social media.

One of the biggest advantages of print media is its reliability. Print media, whether it is a newspaper, magazine, or book, is carefully researched, fact-checked, and edited before publication. The information contained in print media is generally of a higher quality than that found on social media. This is because print media is produced by professional journalists and writers who are held to high ethical standards and have the training and experience to produce accurate and unbiased content. In contrast, social media is often filled with misinformation, fake news, and biased opinions that can be difficult to distinguish from fact.

Another advantage of print media is its ability to provide more in-depth information than social media. Print media is not limited by the character count or attention span of its readers. Articles and features in print media can be longer and more detailed, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Print media is also able to provide context and analysis that is often missing from social media. This is particularly important for complex issues that require a more nuanced understanding.

Print media also can engage readers on a deeper level than social media. Reading print media is a more immersive experience than scrolling through a social media feed. Print media can take readers on a journey, inspire them, and challenge their thinking. It can also provide a sense of community and shared experience, particularly in the case of local newspapers and magazines.

Finally, print media has the advantage of longevity. While social media is fleeting and often forgotten within minutes or hours, print media has the potential to be read and re-read for years or even decades. This allows important stories and issues to be revisited and re-evaluated over time, providing a historical record of events.

In conclusion, while social media has its own unique advantages, when it comes to reliability, depth of information, and the ability to engage readers, print media has a clear advantage. Print media provides readers with high-quality, in-depth, and engaging content that is carefully researched and edited. It also has the advantage of longevity, allowing important stories and issues to be revisited and re-evaluated over time. While social media may be more convenient and immediate, when it comes to important issues and information, print media remains the more reliable and valuable source.ggest advantages of print media is its reliability. Print media, whether it is a newspaper, magazine, or book, is carefully researched, fact-checked, and edited before publication. The information contained in print media is generally of a higher quality than that found on social media. This is because print media is produced by professional journalists and writers who are held to high ethical standards and have the training and experience to produce accurate and unbiased content. In contrast, social media is often filled with misinformation, fake news, and biased opinions that can be difficult to distinguish from fact.