Special thanks

We would like to say thank you to..

Ms. Lea: She was our teacher mentor. She helped us with our planner, survey questions, and interview guide. She also assisted us with our movie day,  interview with Mr. Kanisius, and presentations to Grades 1-3 students. Ms. Lea gave us feedback on our blog, action plan, and planner.

Ms. Richel: She helped us plan and prepare the equipment we need for our movie day, information campaign,  and access to put posters around the school. She also helped us look for journalists and editors for our interview.

Mr. Kanisius Dursin : He was  our first interviewee and a huge assistance in terms of information gathering. 

Johanna Son: She is a journalist and an editor of the ASEAN news, she talked to us on why people turned to social media and ignore print media.

Ms. Kathy Castro: She is the editor-in-chief of ASEAN magazine, she helped us understand more about print media.

Ms. Aurea Calica: She is a multimedia editor at the Philippine Star and ONE News Philippines.

Auntie Aisa: She helped us improve the blog and our presentation for the information campaign

Auntie Evelyn: She helped us improve the blog