Issue of concern

Drop of newspapers

Rise of online media

What is our issue?
Due to the expansion of technology, print media, particularly newspapers, have changed to maintain the attention of its readers. Publishers use a variety of websites to provide news, including social media platforms, e-newspapers, and websites. However, as more people rely on media for their news and information, the print media sector is experiencing challenges as a result of a loss in readership.

Moreover, print media is slowly dying because of the lack of newspaper distribution. People who distribute newspapers have not distributed them equally, so not everyone can see them. The internet is most likely to be the most dominant source of news. Many people walk past newspapers, and are not willing to read. It is a waste if you walk past newspapers because they may contain interesting information, and they will just stay there without anyone using them. In two decades, the internet changed print media to digital media. In 2000, 55 million newspapers were being used but, in two decades, it dropped to 24 million newspapers.

What's wrong?
There are some things that need to be improved in print media such as distributing the newspapers equally. It costs money to buy the paper and print the newspapers, yet they need to be more durable. Much extra waste is wasted, which is not eco-friendly and flammable. There are still many more disadvantages of print media. Print media should try to find a way to fix some of them. Digital media is free, but if newspapers were, they wouldn’t have any profit because they are spending to get the materials. If newspapers get exposed to too much heat, the quality will become poor.

It is hard for print media to target a certain audience, and a lot of paper will be wasted if they will not hit their target. Moreover, if someone makes a mistake when printing, they have to throw it away and could not edit the printed paper anymore. Printing each individual will take a long time. The waste produced by the extra newspapers will be thrown in landfills, and the ink can get exposed to water and cause water pollution. There are 25 million newspapers printed every day. Print media takes up a lot of space if they will not be used.