
Understanding the role of print media in a digital world

Transdisciplinary theme: How we express ourselves

Central Idea:  Print media can adapt to changes to meet the needs of society.

Lines of inquiry:
Types of print media (Form)
Importance of print media (Function)
Ways print media are adapting to changes (Perspective)

Key concepts:

What are the different types of print media?
What is the importance of print media
What are the ways print media are adapting to changes?

ATL skills:

Communication skills 

Research skills 

Social skills

"Newspapers abound, and though they have endured decades of decline, they still can form impressive piles if no one takes them out to the trash." - Jon Stewart

Click to visit the main PYP exhibition main's website!

Our presentation is on 26th of May, from 9:20 -9:35 a.m.