6=O-BE-ATA / _61=The O-BE-ATA Project / __611=Chart Cross-Referncing States of Consciousness

Dancing In The Meadow Is The Goal

November 1, 2005, updated 2/6/06

A chart of correlated states of being -- based on John Curtis Gowan's combined charts in his book "Trance, Art and Creativity"

  • I have added more items to increase its usefulness -- and intend to continue adding more.

  • The RENA (Rapture-Ecstasy-Nirvana Attributes) scale is named after its discoverer, Rena Morningstar -- whose famous Sixties' question still resonates: "How much bliss can you tolerate (and not blow the body)?"

  • Which in turn raises the question, "How can I increase my bliss tolerance level?"

  • Exercises to assist with the latter are shown at this subheading on the OBEATA menu