Good Old Ray Sender / _37=Some Artwork & Projects / __37-10=Build Adjustable Sungazing Goggles

Adjustable Sungazing Goggles

Items required

1: Some sort of set of goggle frames to hold the iris diaphragms.

Check these welding goggles for usable frames:

2: Two adjustable optical iris diaphragms, expensive on Edmund Scientifics ($50 approx)

I purchased 2 on e-bay, 2 for $27.50 - 34mm outside diameter. Make sure the iris closes to total blackout.

Someone put together a very elegant set of variable-aperture antique-looking steamfitters goggles here

This site describes how to make a cheap set of costume goggles (without the diaphragms)

Below is my end-product (apologies for the lousy photo - I had to use a scanner). The 'aluminum foil to tighten rotation' refers to the fact that the cups rotate, and I was fooling around with some diffraction gratings that provided various rainbow effects when the cups were turned.