4=Solar Legation / _43=Sun Letters / __43-1104=November 2004 Letters

Sunletters - November 2004

Message: 17

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 20:30:13 -0800

Subject: A group of leaderless leaders

This current discussion is important because it points out the all-too-human tendency to, as someone mentioned, put somebody up on a pedestal so that others can surrender thinking independently and just FOLLOW like sheep! Baaa! We need to become a group of 'leaderless leaders.'


I believe that results from sungazing will vary enormously depending on the person and their particular evolutionary 'state.' We like to believe that we are all created equal, and we all are in our potential to evolve spiritually. But how FAR we have evolved is a very personal matter, and I think a lot of the results we receive from sungazing must depend on what sort of relationship we have established, with ourselves, with others, and of course with the SUN also!

If we are still caught in the Kali Yuga paradigm (most are in the US), living on the most materialistic and self-centered levels, then we will find the sun an affliction - and perhaps it WILL afflict us in the way that modern-day scientists warn us. I think of what a little 8-yr-old girl told me once: "The sun won't hurt you if you don't lie." That's a very profound observation that can be understood on many levels.

However if we raise ourselves out of the Kali Yuga paradigm through our own dedication, and open ourselves to descending Grace -- if we accept the Golden Rule and all it implies, we may be able to learn to live on sunlight. We may be able to imprint the sun -- and merge the outer and inner lights. I believe this is more than just the mechanical process of going out and sungazing. We must dedicate ourselves in our own unique manner to reflecting in our own lives the warmth and love and light we receive. This is where the books of Omraam Michael Aivanov can be very helpful.

I personally believe this involves approaching the sun as a conscious, extremely evolved Creator Being who can and will communicate with us on a one-to-one level if we open ourselves.

This also may involve a formal promise to the sun to live by a list of precepts perhaps similar to the ones that the Buddha drew up, or for that matter even taking the Ten Commandments to heart. The latter we know, but I list the Precepts here for those unfamiliar with them:

l. I take up the way of not killing.

2. of not stealing.

3. of not misusing sex.

4. of not speaking falsely.

5. of not using drink or drugs.

6. of not discussing faults of others.

7. of not praising myself while abusing others.

8. of not sparing the Dharma assets -- i.e. spreading peace and harmony to others.

9. of not indulging in anger.

l0. of not slandering the Three Treasures.

What are the Three Treasures for Buddhists? I quote, suggesting certain substitute words in [brackets] to suit our group of leaderless leaders:

  • The Three Treasures are the Buddha [Solar Being], the Dharma [the Method], and the Sangha [our fellowship]. Slandering such Treasures is belittling them, and the grossest kind of belittling is conceptual analysis that reduces and quantifies - obscuring the unknown and unknowable source...

  • and the precious nature and aspiration of each individual person, animal or plant.

  • [End paraphrase]

Personally, it's hard for me to believe that anyone who follows Hira Manek's Method strictly, gazing only within the sunrise and sunset 'windows' and in ten-second increments -- while also keeping a close look-out for any discomforts that might signal "Slow Down!" -- could do any damage to their eyes. However that is just my personal opinion, and I could be wrong. I know of at least two people who have damaged their eyes, in one case she claims permanently (in the other, I have not heard final results), but in both cases they each in their own way did not follow their own body's messages and/or abused the method seriously.

If you want more input on my own path, you can read:

and the more recent

May we all merge with the Source while still in our bodies, and shine for the benefit of all beings!