Home / _Ramon Sender Morningside


2-12-16 September 22 2019 A long-overdue update

2-12-16 June 2017 Re-updated Handout, a two-page version of Little Booklet #3 below

6-5-16 Updated the link to Novelist's Logbook that describes the very zany manner in which my novel Zero Weather got published.

2-12-16 A booklet of memories of our sweet dog Riqui (2001-2016)

2-12-16 Proposal for establishing a pilot "Fresh Start Farm" project

1-27-16 So Happily May We Return A Science Fiction Love Story

12-13-14 Touching Nirvana -- Little Booklet #3 that describes all my favorite ways for an embodied approach to bliss states.

10-22-14 Uploaded the book-length memoir of the life of my birth mother Amparo Barayón.

Copies of the paperback 2019 edition with an additional 40+ photos are available at various online bookstores.

Go here for other 'for sale' items.

Best and easiest explanation of my "Universal Panacea:" just watch these three brief videos below of some expert sleep-nursers.

Keep in mind this is something anyone can do anywhere anytime as long as they are not eating or talking.

Everything I've learned of any value I learned from watching babies and animals.

33 seconds of Eli Sleep Nursing

42 seconds of Liv Sleep Nursing

6 seconds Sleep Nursing

updated 9/3/14 A brief "How-To" of my 'Universal Panacea' exercise.

7/20/14 Here is my latest Youtube video, a demo of my various resonance exercises.

It was inspired in response to my recent discovery of somatics/body-mind therapist

Julie Henderson's two books, "The Hum Book" and "Embodying Well-Being,"

both only available from the author on her website.

I'm delighted to finally have discovered someone teaching along the lines of my body

resonance discoveries, this after some ten years poking about the Internet and writing

perhaps more than 40 emails to various professionals (most of them unanswered.) So it

goes, and happily forgotten now that I've found a group involved in similar work.

Also I've put together another article on body resonance that partners with this video.

6/23/14 A 'chance mix' of three audio files that occurred when I restarted my Internet browser: the

World War II songWe'll Meet Again, Beethoven's Ode to Joy performed on 167 Theremins, and four babies crying at the same time.

6-22-14 Fixed/improved various music file links so that the files play online

Uploaded various music files to the music page.

also my Google Drive page includes some other musical compositions.

6-16-14 updated with improved 'horse bluster' sound

The 3-30-14 article on purring-tracheal resonance that gives more detailed information on the videos listed below.

If you don't read anything else, read this one!

4/19/14 Links to my YouTube purring videos:

"Purring to Nirvana"

and the sequel,

"purring to nirvana II," which develops the basic purring exercise further.

1-13-14 updated link to PDF article on the Voluntary Blink page

Introduction to Candice O’Denver’s Balanced View Teaching -- Transcript of A Talk 6-03-2013

Intro to Balanced View - a Talk.

12-21-2012 Updated the OBEATA Project main page, which links to exercises that receive my main focus of attention.

For a chronological listing of pages, go here

2-16-2012 My RECENTLY UPDATED 75th Birthday Handout, titled

"A Little Book of Discoveries That Make Planetary Living as Much Fun As Possible"

7/10/2009 Uploaded a new essay "A History of Bliss Tolerance" (actually it was included

in my collected essays/articles "A Planetary Sojourn" (2008) listed here. It attempts to answer the question:

"What went wrong a long time ago that triggered the 'fall from bliss'

of which our ejection from The Garden of Eden is an ancestral memory?"

To see pages as they have been added more or less chronologically (newer

at the top, older at the bottom of the list),

please go to the Chronological Index. updated 5/30/04

This website serves as the home for The O-BE-ATA Project.

Also, because of my special love and eternal attachment

to Mother Sun, our local source of love-light-consciousness at these particular galactic coordinates

of Grandmother Aditi's galaxy, this site will serve as the Bay Area Solar Legation's contact point.

You also will find here the creations of my beloved,

Judith Levy-Sender, soulmate, writer/artist, teacher of teachers, mother to all, and

human rights activist.

She searches out and supports viable programs for 'external peace' with

a single-mindedness that balances the manner in which I research natural

and easily accessible methods to achieve "internal peace."

Also are included (gradually) many links to both our blood-related family,

extended family and tribe, as well as some favorite websites.