4=Solar Legation / _43=Sun Letters / __43-0804=August 2004 Letters

Sunletters - August 2004

Sun August 11 2004

Dearest Brother Gordon:

Thank you for pointing me to Rodney Collin's sister-in-law's essay. I found it both instructional -- I never knew exactly how Rodney fit into the Ouspensky picture - and also very moving.

The only teacher I ever 'signed up' to work with on a weekly basis for some months was Robert de Ropp, who always described himself as 'Oupensky's Gardener." A very fierce and

exquisite man, in many ways. He burned with the same fierce flame that I find in Rodney, and when the end of his life came, he just got into his sea-going kayak and paddled out into the Pacific Ocean.

Thank you, also, for your own rapturous lines on your website. Many of them truly resonate with my own experiences. For aren't we all, within our highest selves, just the solar logos experiencing mirror images in every diamond facet of all beings everywhere?

As for the alignment event in 2012, I along with you and others hope and pray this is a transfiguration of our solar system, or at least a movement upward from the darkness of our previous age. The galaxy creator I evoke with the name "Aditi," the mother of the gods in Hindu myth amongst other aspects.

Here are some quotes about Her:

aditaye anagasah

blameless before the Infinite Mother. [ cf. RV I.24. 1 5; 5.82.6 ]


the indivisible conscious-force and ananda of the Supreme; the Mother; the infinite Mother of the gods; supreme Nature or infinite Consciousness.

Aditi devatamayi

Aditi full of the gods. [ cf. Katha 2.1.7 ]

Adityah (Adityas)

Solar gods, children of Infinity (sons of Aditi ). [ Ved. ]

Adityasah [vocative], O Sons of the infinite Mother. [ RV 7.52.1 ]

Aditi, the Mother of the Adityas, is often if not always described as the mother of the gods (deva-mata).

She is not only the mother of the gods; she is at times described as the Mother of the universe.

I figure that 'universe' and 'galaxy' can be considered synonymous for the Aryan night sky gazers.

On familiar terms, I like to refer to Her as Great to the Tenth Power Grandma Hattie, referring to the 'power of ten levels' existing between Her reality and ours. I can't substantiate this, but take a certain poetic license. But one thing I do know: that it is SHE who manifests first from the Unmanifest in our wider sector, and we of course could discuss just who Great to the Eleventh Power Grandma is, although this is getting pretty remote. But it is interesting that Chaitanya, the great founder of Advaita Vedanta, spent his final years composing poems of adoration to the Divine Mother. After all, once one has achieved absolute union with THAT, what's left to do but split oneself in two once more to adore THAT amazing soft angelic beingness in another form?

I have a rather long file of sun lore, which I attach here. Also, I very highly recommend Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov's "The Splendour of Tipharet" and "Toward A Solar Civilization."

Omraam is no longer planetside but has a devoted following who have transcribed and published almost every word he ever spoke (which I don't think he would appreciate!).

Cosidering how many books there are by Omraam, a great deal is of of less interest, but at his best he is just absolutely marvelous - and he's definitely pointing to the Truth!

The "Splendour" book I feel is one I could have written myself, it is so close to what I experience. Omraam's books are available from:

http://www.prosveta-usa.com/ and also from amazon.com

Also, there are the Lucis Trust books on the Solar Initiations, something I keep telling myself I'll read more carefully some day. Again, though, there are just too many of them!

In the words of the prophet in Ecclesiastes (although I'm not a great enthusiast of 'book religions'): "Of the making of books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh." i.e. better just go out and gambol in the meadows!

I'm turning 70 this October, and very shortly, after my successor takes over my job, and we get back from a niece's wedding in the southland, and-and-and - - a necessary trip to the East Coast to see grandchildren the first week of October -- anyway, by mid-October I should be able to count on some uninterrupted weeks of creative time that I'm truly anticipating with great excitement!

Where are you, chronologically and geographically speaking, by the way? That uninhabited beach you spoke of sounded intriguing!


~ R