Bay Area Solar Legation

Light=Vertical Love • Love=Vertical Light • All Living Beings are Light-to-Love Transformers

Various _Articles explaining this and other solar aspects

Various Diagrams explaining this and other solar aspects

In October, 2003, I discovered a whole community of active sungazers on the Internet, and will post here various of my letters to these wonderful sun brothers and sisters! I am so delighted, after all these years, to have found these 'sol'-mates. Up until now I have been reticent about sharing my sungazing. meditation exercises because of all the cultural phobia about looking at the sun. But now I feel I am no longer alone in rediscovering this gateway to solar consciousness. However a word of caution: never do anything painful, and begin in semi-shade.

I devised a pair of sungazing googles

Items required

1: Some sort of set of goggle frames to hold the iris diaphragms.

I used a pair of ‘I Glasses’ with lenses that simulate an insect’s compound eye. I remove the lenses and use the frames and lens cups.

Edmund Scientifics Catalog #L31091-00 price: $7.95

Anther cheap possibility $3.95 MIT Eye Guard Goggles or check these welding goggles for usable frames

2: Two adjustable optical iris diaphragms expensive on Edmund Scientifics ($50 approx)

I purchased on e-bay, 2 for $27.50 - 34mm outside diameter. Another source (also not cheap):

iris diaphragms from Rolyn Optics

On, the cheapest currently (3-22-09) with the maximum opening 25 mm, minimum opening 1 mm is $29 plus shipping from India,

This source has small-size (19 mm) for $19. Best price I’ve seen. but you may have to adapt to the diameter of the goggles' opening.

(these are about two-thirds of the overall diameter of the ones I used.)

Someone put together a very elegant set of variable-aperture antique-looking steamfitters goggles here

This site describes how to make a cheap set of costume goggles (without the diaphragms)

General Instructions

Prepare the goggle frames.In the case of the ones I used, Edmund's "I Glasses," I removed the compound eye lenses and glued the

two iris diaphragms to the ends of the blue plastic cups. Inasmuch as the glasses are made of clear plastic, I then covered the clear plastic

with black electrical tape.

Below is my end-product (apologies for the lousy photo - I had to use a scanner). The 'aluminum foil to tighten rotation' refers to

the fact that the cups rotate, and I was fooling around with some diffraction gratings that provided various rainbow effects when the cups were turned:

Various diagrams and links explain this and other solar aspects

Various diagrams and links explain this and other solar aspects


Design for the Solar Legation Sign for the Front Driveway at Morning Star Ranch (1966)

Light = Vertical Love. Love = Horizontal Light. All Living Beings Are Light-to-Love Transformers