2=Ramon Sender Barayon


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For those who would like more specific suggestions:

First, take a few seconds to center and breathe a few relaxed breaths, and visualize your "transmitter" warming up. When you are ready, at or about 7 AM beam the following message (speak aloud if you wish):

  • "May all beings be peaceful and happy forever.

  • May those parts of the planet overwhelmed by strife and hatred be surprised by a sudden wave of joy and forgiveness for themselves and for others.

  • May those in distress or pain have their suffering alleviated.

  • May the birds of the air, the beasts of the fields and forests, all living things be blessed.

  • May the trees and plants, all growing things find nourishment and the sunlight and pure air they require.

  • May all waters become pure, and those creatures living in them healed and replenished.

  • May weather everywhere return to gentle weather, and all disturbances cease.

  • May we awaken in peace to fulfillment and joy.

  • May all troubles melt away, and best dreams come true.

  • May we understand deeply how we are of each other.

  • May we become each other's best friend, counselor or partner, brother, or sister, mother or father.

  • May we all, embraced in peace by each other, become one.

Brief Bio by Ramon Sender Barayon

I was born in Madrid, Spain, to the sound of machine gun fire (according to my father) from an emplacement just outside the hospital.

The month was 'Red October,' 1934, and the city was closed down by a general strike in sympathy with the striking miners in Asturias who were being slaughtered and raped by General Franco's Moorish mercenaries.

The Spanish Civil War started two years later in July, 1936, after my sister Andrea was born in February.

Andrea - Sister Benedicta, The Order of St. Helena - at her Junior Profession - 1977

My birth mother Amparo Barayon

Arrested, imprisoned for three months in her home town of Zamora, Spain in September, 1936. She was taken to the cemetery on October 11th at night and shot, according to one source "on the direct orders of Generalissimo Franco."

She died betrayed by family members, unwilling to denounce her beloved husband.

May she finally rest in peace, now that her memory has been honored.

The only photo of Amparo that we saw as children

Losing Amparo broke two children's hearts, one two years old and one a nursing infant.

But her presence hovered nearby as we settled into an American family three years later.

We grew up with Julia Davis Adams as our 'American mother' and I know that without her nurturance and love I would not have evolved into the person I became.

A deep obeisance to all the 'mothers' in my life:

  • my birth mother Amparo Barayón,

  • blind Aunt Maximina (who cared for me at her farm while Amparo was in prison),

  • first stepmother Elisabeta (who had escaped to France with her uncle, the mayor of Guernica),

  • American mother Julia who basically brought us up as her own children, and

  • Florence Hall Sender, an American whom my father married when we children were 10 and 12.

  • I should also include my mother-in-law Miriam Levy, whose warm welcome into her family I shall always remember as a model of loving-kindness.

And deep obeisances to all the fathers in my life:

  • birth father Ramon,

  • Julia's husbands Paul West, Charles Healy, William M. Adams

  • ­ and not least or last, my piano teacher and surrogate father

  • George Copeland who oversaw my early adolesence and mentored my exposure to the various arts.

All of these mothers and fathers, each in their own unique way, contributed something precious to my emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth. Some lessons were harsh, some lessons loving.

The most gently loving and gentlemanly of all fathers was the last one I was gifted, my late father-in-law Irving Levy. A true blessing as a dad!