Yoga/Pilates and Recovery

Everyone, whether an athlete or not, can benefit from additional flexibility and conditioning. As well as boosting athletic performance, it can improve daily life and reduce the chance of injury. These sessions are also a chance to relax and quietly reflect.

15-minute beginner session

This is an introduction into stretching and basic yoga - a great video to follow along to for your first time.

Beginner/intermediate session

This is a longer, 30 minute session, covering all of the basics of yoga and is great for stretching, particularly the back and legs.

30-minute Vinyasa Yoga session

This is a more active and challenging session, for those who have some experience with yoga already.


Full body stretch out

This is a great full body strech out, ideal after a tough day or week of training.

Cool down session

Follow through these stretches with Mrs Halls after completing a run on Strava!