Speed Challenges

On this page you will find our weekly speed challenges. All of these are time based activities and we will be keeping an eye on the scores!

Week 1- 1km dash

Record your run using Strava, or send in your result using the Google form below. Please ensure you warm up before you attempt the run to avoid injury and choose a safe, flat track if possible!

Junior times

Gold: 5 minutes or less

Silver: 5.01 - 6 minutes

Bronze: 6.01 - 7 minutes

Senior times

Gold: 4 minutes or less

Silver: 4.01 - 5 minutes

Bronze: 5.01 - 6 minutes

Week 2 - Handball Test

How many times can you throw and catch a ball against the wall in 30 seconds?


The ball must go to alternate hands every throw.

You must remain 1m away from the wall

Senior Scores

Excellent > 35

Good: 30 - 35

Average: 20- 29

Fair: 15 - 19

Junior Scores

Excellent: > 30

Good: 25 - 30

Average: 15 - 24

Fair: 10 - 14

Week 3

Cycle 5km as quickly as you can on the bike. This can be either and indoor trainer, or out on the roads (although please be careful and follow road signs!)


Good: 13 minutes

Yellow Jersey: 10 minutes


Good: 15 minutes

Yellow Jersey: 12 minutes

Week 4 - Speed HiiT

Complete three rounds of these movements as quickly as you can!:

5 x press up

5 x squat jump

5 x burpee

5 x crunch