worried that you urinate several times a night?

Desperate to have to get up to urinate every so often at night. Here are the remedies. Under normal conditions, a person who drinks two liters of water per day eliminates 1 to 2 liters of urine in 24 hours. Urine is formed in the kidneys, which are two organs located in the lower back, one on each side of the spine. Urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder through the ethers. These are two left and right ducts 20 to 30 centimeters long each for its part. The bladder is a hollow, flexible organ that stores urine. When the bladder contracts, it causes the evacuation of urine towards the urethra. And the urethra is the tube that expels urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In general, the amount of urine that the body produces daily decreases at night. This allows people to sleep for 6 to 8 hours without having to get up to urinate. However, some people wake up several times a night because of the overwhelming need to urinate.

Which interrupts your sleep cycles and can end up causing not only an annoying situation, but tiredness and sleepiness during the day, significantly reducing your quality of life and productivity. In addition, this problem is associated, especially in the elderly, with an increase in the frequency of falls with possible fractures due to drowsiness, weakness and low night lighting. In medical terms, waking up at night, often because of the need to urinate, is called nocturia or nocturnal and is considered clinically significant. If a patient urinates two or more times a night, the main causes that can cause a person to urinate more frequently at night are drinking too much fluid in the late afternoon, especially coffee, tea, or caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, medications , diuretics, stress, swollen legs, sleep apnea, urinary tract infection, enlarged prostate, uncontrolled diabetes, overactive bladder, and kidney or heart failure. And victory treatment depends on its cause and includes lifestyle changes, medications, and home remedies.

To treat reading, changing life habits is very effective, which is to urinate twice before going to sleep. It is recommended to urinate sitting down, including for men, leaning forward a little and then waiting 20 to 30 seconds to urinate again. Avoid liquid intake after sunset, change the time of consumption of diuretics. Take them at least six hours before going to sleep. If you have swollen legs, wear compression stockings during the day and elevate your legs in the evening. Avoid nocturnal hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes. Apply good sleep hygiene that consists of sleeping in a quiet room, with little lighting and adequate temperature. Use a hand-held bedside urinal to prevent trips to and from the bathroom at night, especially in older adults or others at high risk for falls. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate, low-impact exercise like walking or swimming most days of the week. Keep a healthy weight. Excess body weight puts pressure on the abdomen and bladder, so losing weight is beneficial in reducing constipation.

This is accomplished by drinking plenty of water and eating foods that are high in fiber, such as lentils, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables. Training the bladder is recommended to go to the bathroom at a set time, even if you don't feel like urinating, progressively increasing the time between urination and finally strengthening the pelvic floor. The muscles. The pelvic floor muscles open and close the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body to strengthen the pelvic floor. You have to contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine for three seconds. Relax them, count to three and repeat the exercise several times. It is recommended to do these exercises three or four times a day. Lying down, sitting and standing. Regarding medications, if the person with victory has an underlying health problem, they should be seen by their doctor, who will specifically treat urinary tract infection, overactive bladder, prostatic hyperplasia, diabetes, etc. In all cases the following home remedies will help treat it in ictoria.

One. Cranberry juice It is recommended to drink a glass of cranberry juice in the morning and another in the afternoon. Cranberry concentrate is also available in capsules, in which case the dose is one capsule every 24 hours. Two. Melissa la Melissa, also known as lemon balm. It can be taken as an infusion. The dose is five grams of dried plant per cup of water. It is prepared following the technique of any infusion of leaves.

Preventing inflammation of the prostate is essential for good health, today in 2022 it is possible thanks to nanotechnology, the particles are the size of a red blood cell allowing the body to absorb 100 times more of its healing properties watch the video.

Put the hot water on the yerba previously deposited in a container and let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes. Take a cup three times a day. Three. Fennel and drinking fennel tea during the day can help completely empty the bladder thanks to its diuretic effects. The infusion can be made with the leaves of the plant, with the seeds or with the bulb. In the case of the infusion of leaves, 60 grams of leaves are washed. Place them in a 250-milliliter bowl, pour boiling water over them, let stand about 15 minutes, strain, and serve.

If seeds are chosen, 25 grams of seeds will be used for every 500 milliliters of water. Take a cup after each meal. Four raspberry leaves The infusion of raspberry leaves strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor and therefore helps control involuntary urine loss. It is prepared like any other infusion. Just boil water and place a tablespoon of raspberry leaves. For each cup let it rest. 10 to 15 minutes it sneaks in and that's it. It is recommended to drink a cup daily. Do not use during pregnancy. In the market it is feasible to find ready-made raspberry leaves, as well as in capsules and five. Galle GRAPE The Gaya grape is also known as uva de oso. The infusion of this plant reduces inflammation of the urethra and bladder. Helps in the treatment of urinary infections and control urine loss. 10 to 30 grams of the finely chopped plant are used per liter of water and it is recommended to ingest one liter per day for a maximum of two weeks and no more than five times a year.

Scientists in this 2022 created a supplement that is helping thousands of people in the world thanks to its effectiveness is called Prostastream. It is possible to prevent and heal the prostate, all the patients who bought on its official website are happy with the results.

The inflammations produced by bacteria that are acquired through sexual intercourse can be destroyed by substances that contain medicinal plants, this supplement contains a variety of them to help us directly combat prostate tissue.

It is totally natural that makes it digestible to our body without complications or side effects. This is a great secret for men who do not want to go through surgery preventing future problems.

In the body there is a storm of inflammatory hormones that affects the entire body creating chronic inflammation in the organs.

The difficult access of oxygen due to inflammation produces few hormones and enzymes for the recovery of the body, so our body begins to get sicker and sicker.

This supplement accelerates our tissues to begin to lower the inflammations produced over time.

It is sad to see how thousands of people are treated with surgery when they can be treated quickly with a simple breath coupled with a supplement of 2022 technology.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is the cost of prostate surgery, could be saved by preventing breathing and supplementation.