Natural Prostate Health Foods For an Enlarged Prostate Diet

These foods help your prostate to shrink as well as help with inflammation and urinary flow. Let's have a look. The number one and a really important food, one that really is always associated with the prostate because it actually even looks like a prostate. Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, there's no doubt about that. They are a rich source of the mineral selenium, which is really important for prostate health. Just 1oz of Brazil nuts contains more than ten times the recommended daily allowance. Brazil nuts also contains zinc, another mineral that helps the prostate remain healthy. They also contain all the amino acids to qualify as complete protein and are a good source of magnesium and thiamine.

And a big tip for Brazil nuts, they are high in saturated fat content. So just keep yourself just three or 4oz a week, which is certainly more than enough because it does have the powerhouse of selenium to keep your prostate healthy. Brazil nuts, a must in your enlarged prostate diet. Number two, caine or chili peppers, or sometimes known certainly in Australia as capsicum. Now, the peppers, they get their heat from a high concentration of a thing called capsaicin.

Capsaicin is well known for its pain relieving properties, but studies have also shown that, yes, it can destroy cancer cells, including prostate cancer cells. So why aren't you eating them? And the thing I like about this stuff is that it has the ability to make prostate cancer cells commit suicide, a process which is called apoptosis damage. Cancer cells kill your cells and they do so get under the chili peppers. It's also great for your cardiovascular system.

Contains antioxidants that fight those pesky little free radicals that hang around your body and just lead to inflammation. So caine, another really, really important food. Caine tip. Now, I use Caine pepper in my smoothies, in my juices, just a little small, you can buy it in the supermarket river. Just use a small, little India smoothie, india juices, in fact, on anything at all.

If you're having dinner, pour some over your vegetables, really spices them up and it helps you prostate at the same time. Cayenne. Number three, sorry, number two, really important. Number three is a great, great food to be eating anyway, regardless of your prostate. Broccoli has been well known there for a long time.

Lots of research, lots of study done on broccoli in regards to being an anticancer food. It's a member of the Cruciferous family. So I've got brothers and sisters and they're things like kale, your cauliflower, your Brussels sprouts. Broccoli does contain some amazing nutritional benefits in regards to your prostate. It has very high amounts of a thing called phytonutrient sulforaphane and the indoles, both of which have excellent anticancer properties.

Sulforaphane, for example, enhances the body's detoxification enzymes, which helps to dispose of any cancer causing elements really really quickly. It was a study done by researchers at Linus Pauling Institute in Oregon that discovered that indole three carbinole, which is a natural part of the broccoli, and it's also found in other members of the Crucifix family, suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells. But not just that, also inhibited the production of PSA, which is your prostatespecific antigen. Anyone with prostate issues knows what PSA is and what a frightening number it can be. It's a big broccoli tip at the best way to have these.

Just cook them, just lightly steam them, lightly steamed or sauteed now for a maximum of five minutes. Any longer, they lose their anti cancer benefits, basically, and some of their nutrients. So you cut the little florias into little pieces before you cook it and just let them sit for about five minutes. And this allows the anticancer elements to form before you cook it. And finally, just add some extra virgin olive oil, some garlic, some cayenne pepper to really boost the power of broccoli.

Eat as much as this as you want each week. And why wouldn't you, if you've got prostate issues, get stuck into the broccoli. And I know a lot of people don't like broccoli, but maybe put it in your juice or in a smoothie, somehow get the broccoli into you. Number four, and not as well known as a prostate healer, but shiitake mushroom, in fact, any kind of mushroom is very good for your prostate, especially the Asian type mushrooms. And the shattered is a really great mushroom for that.

We know they're good for your thyroid, but they are great for prostate health as well. And this goes back to some 60 years in history that it's been around healing people. It contains a thing called lentenin, which is a type of beta glucan, which has been proven to have anticancer properties. Now, a study in 2009 showed that mice sewage being injected with human colon and breast cancer cells had the tumors suppressed with the shitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most of these sort of vegetables, a potent antioxidant called l ergothionine.

Very hard some of these words, but they work and it's an antioxidant. It's big claim to fame is exerting its properties to help and protect cells throughout the body, including the prostate. Again, shitake mushrooms. Make them a part of your diet. Imagine like being some mushroom, some broccoli, just likely steam some chilies, Brazil nuts as a snack.

All really beautiful food. So why wouldn't you have them to help you prostate mushroom tip again, only lightly steam your mushrooms, put them in your stews and your salads, your stir fries, your soups, pasta, sauces, all that kind of stuff. And I love adding them to my lunch with my grilled tomatoes and avocados on toast. Another food that I love as I mentioned this before, my grilled tomatoes. Now tomatoes really help the prostate mainly when they're cooked.

Now they contain Lysopine, which is a carotenoid, which is one of a group of red, orange and yellow pigments that are found in plants. Now, Lycopene is also a potent antioxidant. It's been proven itself in loads and loads and loads and also in mountains of studies to enhance prostate health. Beautiful grilled tomatoes. Put them on your in the fry pan with some mushroom lamp, toast with some avocado.

Absolutely delicious for lunch. So cooking the tomatoes actually increases their antioxidant capacity and potency it breaks down the cell walls of the tomato, making the Lysopine more accessible to the body. So, as I say, the tomato soups, the paste, the sauces, grilled tomatoes, the juices, tomato juice are really great for your prostate. So get plenty of cooked tomatoes into it. And Germany's, bond universities and researchers there have just said that one serving of cooked tomatoes a day could prevent and protect against the DNA damage that can set up prostate cancer.

So tomatoes help manage BPH, which is benign prostate, hypertrophy or prostate and keeps the PSA levels down. These are food you've got to have. Get rid of the junk food, get onto the nice, healthy, beautiful, as I say, grilled tomatoes, mushroom, avocado on toast. Delicious. A snack.

Brazil nuts, all really good stuff. Tomato tip yet grill them. I've mentioned this already. Put them in all your food. Drink the juice, make pizza, stews, soups.

Tomatoes really are a great friend of your bodies. They do look after your body. Absolutely. Another lesson known thing that helps you prostate. Pumpkin seeds.

Very underrated food. We all hear about the Turmeric, green coffee and all these highfalutin things that are going around. But pumpkin seeds have some great benefits for the prostate, especially for men with BPH, as we mentioned earlier. And the contributing factor of BPH is overstimulation of the prostate cells by testosterone and dihydrous. Testosterone and pumpkin seeds can help with that.

Overstimulation the oil in pumpkin seeds can help prevent hormones from triggering the multiplying of prostate cells. Pumpkin seed oil also contains carotenoids and omega three fatty acids. This also help reduce the risk of BPH and larger prostate. Again, why aren't you eating them? Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc, which as we know, also helps the prostate. Use pumpkin seeds as a little snack in the afternoon. Don't have a cup of tea and a cake and have some pumpkin seeds. Get rid of the peanuts, get rid of the cake, get rid of the rubbish foods, get some pumpkin seeds and just snack on those. They're a great snack and they're going to help you.

And finally, I mentioned it before, the Turmeric, which I'm a huge, huge fan of, as you probably know from all my videos on my website. A recent study at Rutgers in New Jersey, the state university and a Turmeric combined with a photonutrient derived from cruciferous vegetables may be effective in preventing and treating prostate cancer. And that combined a significantly reduced tumor growth. With results like that, why aren't you eating Turmeric, broccoli, Brazil nuts, all these kinds of things that are going to help you. And notice you don't hear doctors or the big pharmaceuticals telling you those things.

They'd rather have you take a pill. Turmeric tip. You can make your own Turmeric paste, which is known as golden paste, which is fantastic. It's got coconut oil in it, black pepper, which you need in Turmeric to make it bioavailable so it goes into your bloodstream rather than just straight through you. Now, I've got a recipe for making this.

It's below in the description. Please check it out if you'd like to make some Turmeric paste for yourself. It's very easy to make and you just add it to stews, to soups, to smoothies, to juices, anything, and it's a really great way to take your Turmeric. A little bonus here number eight. Now, I've been taking Prostate Plus for probably 18 months to two years, I reckon that, and I don't take it all the time, only when I need it.