I am a doctor specializing in oncological surgery, that is, cancer management, and today we are going to talk about something very important that has PSA. What is the PSA?

And this, I want it to be clear, is aimed at a specific study for men, it is a specific study for men. And what does PSA mean? PSA comes from the acronym in English that means test of prostate specific and antigen. In English it would mean prostate specific. Antigen in Spanish would mean prostate specific antigen.

prostate specific antigen. So the prostate specific antigen or PSA is a study that helps us to evaluate that the prostate helps us to evaluate the prostate. And to understand what the prostate is, you have to understand what the male reproductive system is.

 And above all also that it is the immune system. We have as the neurological system that we find the kidneys, which produce urine, which is a filtration of the blood, where the polluting elements are filtered and pass through the kidneys. For what? To be expelled, the urine produced in the kidneys is conducted through the ureters is the ureters. Urine is carried to a structure that stores this urine called the bladder. The bladder contracts through its muscles and passes into a new channel called the urethra to finally be expelled. The urine on the way between what is the bladder and the urethra is found in the prostate in men. And it is there that this organ, well, this gland above all, is the one that can suffer from some disease, both problems that are cancer, and problems that are not cancer.

And where I started to help them make a diagnosis. So what is PSA? The price is a test, it is a diagnostic test, it is a test that is taken in blood and it is a test that measures a specific protein, which is a protein that depends on the prostate gland. So this prostate gland produces PSA, this protein substance is synthesized where? in prostate cells. What is the function of this protein? Of this antigen? Antigen? Always think that we are referring to a protein. The purpose of this protein is to dissolve the seminal clot. So it has a specific function with respect to the functioning of the prostate. To remember, let's remember that the prostate is a gland, and this gland has to do with prostatic fluid. Like any gland it expels a liquid. In this case, this liquid will help the sperm in the function of ejaculation so that they can produce fertilization. Topics that are very important in the physiology of pregnancy.

At some point we can also touch on that topic. If you have any doubts, then the prostate with its prostatic fluid helps what the sperm will mean with respect to what the subsequent fertilization will be when it is a clot similar in shape that would not allow the sperm to continue on their way. That's why these spices, if not prostate specific, help dissolve that fire. And what is the PSA? It is a protein, that is to say, it has carbohydrates and it has what is protein and its synthesis is exclusive to the prostate.

It is in this case, it reaches the blood circulation. And this is where we can detect diseases in the prostate when that amount that exceeds and protrudes the blood circulation is a much greater amount, which would be directly related here to a problem in the prostate. It is very important to understand that prostate cancer and also infectious problems in the prostate can cause elevation of PSA, which is the prostate specific antigen.

And it is very important to understand that in general it is considered that the value of four four grams per milliliter, that is, in one milliliter you can count up to four nanograms. It is the maximum value that one can consider values ​​above, values ​​above this. From this reference it would indicate a problem in the prostate and this would mean doing studies. Be careful, not all elevated PSA means prostate cancer. But it is a responsibility to discard and study when the PSA is elevated. Another very important point can tell a condition in the prostate other than cancer, which is known as prostate hyperplasia.

where the PSA can remain within normal values. And that must be understood, not necessarily having a normal value below 4th. As for the prostate, it means that I don't have any problems with my prostate. We must take into account that the CP may or may not be elevated both in problems that are not cancer and in problems that are cancer. The question is, doctor, can there be prostate cancer with a normal PSA?

The answer is yes. Yes, there can be prostate cancer with normal PSA. Doctor. Can there be an elevated PSA associated with a pathology that is not cancer? The answer is yes. Prostatitis can cause fish elevation. It does not necessarily mean cancer. But this does not mean for us to definitively minimize. Every person who undergoes a PSA study as a male according to his species from the age of 40 and is elevated. One of the points that we have to rule out is that there is no cancer at this level. So, in this way it is important to understand the concepts to be able to do proper management. the PSA. So in this case it would not represent a problem at the prostate level that could be either an oncological process, not cancer or an oncological process. The one who speaks to them is Dr. Luis Antonio Camargo. I am a doctor specialized in oncological surgery and I invite you to subscribe to this channel so that you can have more information on topics related to cancer, health care and advice that you should take into account.

You can also follow me on social networks through the Facebook community, which now has almost 246,000 people. I'm at www dot facebook dotcom is the HGH c h e seca e a t e. Likewise, you can also download the ate check application, which is an application through which we have created an algorithm that, taking into account age, gender and background, we can know what are the risks that people have with respect to diseases. chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart attack and in this way contribute to making an early diagnosis. 

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