Prostate - Joint and muscle problems that can cause

Hello, I am going to explain in this article in a very summarized way, how the dysfunction or alteration of the prostate affects the back in different joint and muscle problems. I am not talking about a serious prostate problem. In this case you would have to go to the doctor. A cancer, for example. I am simply talking about discomfort, small alterations that are provoked with age and that in addition to provoking the symptoms typical of the prostate, such as loss of the power of the stream when urinating, getting up at night several times to urinate and even some discomfort when urinating. These are small discomforts that may go unnoticed or that you have not even had at this time, but nevertheless indicate that the prostate is not functioning properly and can cause various back problems. For example, one of them is the blockage of the 5th lumbar vertebra. It is blocked in a specific posture and it specifies that it will generate pain on the right side. They are vague and they will have repercussions and carry the rage towards the right side.

Evidently there is this blockage of the 5th lumbar vertebra. Permanence. Time can cause a herniated L5 disc if you go to the right leg and you can get right sciatica. Okay, they are sciatica that if they produce that disc against the 5th lumbar truth, the sacrum. You have to see that at least weigh the possibility that they are caused by the prostate alteration. It would be necessary to see the age of the patient and if he has any type of symptom or has any emotional situation that affects the prostate. According to oriental medicine, the emotions that affect the prostate have to do with insecurity, with the loss of self-esteem that the person may be having due to some circumstance in his private, family or work life. That loss of self-esteem in men can be channeled behind the prostate in general. As I say, this is lumbago, right or herniated disc to the right with prostate symptoms, as I said before, or sometimes without them for the moment before. The first symptom of this prostate decrease can be this lumbago, this sciatica or a disc herniation to the right side at the lumbar level, between the 5th lumbar opening, the sacrum, so the 5th lumbar.

This altered prostate situation, if maintained, can also cause other problems. For example, the right trochanteritis enteritis would be a pain in this lateral area. This lateral area there of the hip, a pain when walking, a pain when you touch the area, when you lean, but simply a pain when you fall, when you walk or exercise, troca enteritis enterita and right. It can also be pains that are confused with cancer, back and groin. There are people who tell you that I give you the right lumbar area, it touches between the groin. You have to weigh or have the possibility that very often it is due to prostate dysfunction. And there was another one. There will be another very frequent problem also related to the prostate, which is the term pathia or goose foot tendinitis. Let's look at goose foot here. It's a group of tendons that come from the hip and come together here around the knee. This area. Here. Okay, so it's a pain that is obviously easier to be pronounced and to manifest itself, for example, when exercising.

But there are times when if the tendinitis is significant, I can just go for a walk. If you take this area, which is like a pinch of all these tissues here, they're going to be kind of irritated, kind of inflamed, especially in the right knee. It can appear in both knees the fat one, but even if both knees appear when you play hard both knees, the right one occurs more intensely. Agreed. It is a very frequent problem.