Why do you urinate every so often?

Frequent urination and urgent urination are two symptoms that often go hand in hand and can greatly alter the quality of your life.

Life of the person.

Both professionally, occupationally and socially. And also at night.

If the person is.

She has to get up constantly to urinate, it is a common reason for consultation in primary care, medical consultation.

And that's why I'm going to address this topic and answer the most frequently asked questions. Or What.

We mean with frequent urination and urination.

Urgent? Frequent urination means.

That we urinate a greater number of times than is normal or usual for us. We call this, in medical terms, by surgery and urgent urination. It means that we have.

A necessity.


Intense, strong.

Of going to urinate, but.

If we don't have the feeling that it is going to escape us.

But after urinating we do it in small quantities and even.

We are left with the feeling that it has not been.

Emptying of the entire bladder.

This is called having bladder in the case of these symptoms.

Make them get up at night more than once to go to the bathroom to urinate. We call this nitaria and it can interfere quite a bit with quality.

Of sleep, especially if it is a number of times.


After that, if we have.

Painful urination, stinging.

Discomfort or.

Burning when urinating.

We call this dysphoria, which is a syndrome.

Of urinating, because when we meet.

Fissure, i.e., discomfort.

When burning, when urinating, also frequent urination by the curia and we find urgent urination.

The sensation of having bladder smoke, that you have the urge to urinate, but it stays.

The bladder.

With a feeling that it has not been.

Completely emptied.

Even if it is empty. Often these three symptoms are compounded by a feeling of.

Discomfort or depression, or even pain in the area.

From gastric hiccups, which is the part.

Lower abdomen, which coincides with the external area of the abdomen above the bladder. What is the difference between frequent and polymorphous urination or urinary incontinence? The pole.


Urinating on.

Excess in 24 hours, ie.

You eliminate a larger amount of urine than normal. And in the case of La Pola, Túria, that is, frequent urination, the amount of urine you eliminate.

May be.

The normal or may even be below normal. But there could also be a poly, i.e., you have frequent urination and.

In addition to urinating a.

Quantity of 24.


Greater than normal. Here we will refer to La Pola, which means frequent urination that urinates a normal and even less than normal amount. In the case of urinary incontinence, which means.

It is that.

There is an involuntary loss of urine because you don't control the act of urination to a greater or lesser extent. And this is the same with polio. It may be that La Pola that is associated with urinary incontinence or the urgency to urinate that we discussed before having a urinary incontinence.

Vesical that is associated.

To incontinence.

And that you get to escape the.

Urine, but may not, then here we will refer to.

More to the.

Frequent and urgent urination, but not associated with polyurethane, nor especially with urinary incontinence. What is the normal frequency of urination? Normally we are between four.

And seven times a day if you urinate eight times a day.

Day o.

More. It is already considered to be a.

Frequent urination or one per curia. In the case of the.

Night, if you urinate two or more times at night, it would be considered.

One victory. One time.

It can be considered.

Normal, although usually people.

They last six to eight hours without.

Urinating at night without interfering with their sleep. In the case of quantity, although we will not talk about it here.

Specifically on this topic, the following are considered.

That the normal amount of urine in 24.

Hours would be between 700,000 liters and three liters.

Of urine per day and more.

From three liters would already be considered polio. That is, an excess of.

Urination in terms of quantity.

What are the causes of urination? Many times in both men and women.

Frequent urination is caused by both men and women.

Including in children, urinary tract infections, especially if this occurs in the.

Context of an emotional syndrome.

That is, you pee many times a dick.


Pre more you have di Suria, that is, you bother to urinate and also you have meo vesical with the sensation.

Of urgency to go to urinate, but that.

Notes as if there were no.

Emptying the bladder. Then infections.

Urinary can be.

Inflammations and infections of the urinary bladder, the inner mucosa, the urinary bladder, the urinary duct.

It comes out after the urethra, that is to say, it can be cystitis, urethra, itis and then in the case of men it can be prostatitis, that is to say.

An inflammation of the gland immediately. Below the bladder.

In men and through which the.

Urinary duct. The urethra.

So, al.

Increase in size due to hyperplasia.

Benign prostate, as it can constrict or stenosis. This duct is called. And then give this feeling that.

That you urinate less and more frequently than usual.

There are urinary tract infections in men. Also benign prostatic hyperplasia. Then urinary incontinence. It is in general that in this case, in addition you will have a.

Involuntary loss of.

Urine. It can be in different degrees and there can be different types for different reasons.

Urinary stones are also relatively frequent.

Kidney stones that are dislodged are the stones that are.

They leave the kidney, pass through the ureter, arrive.

Until the.

Bladder and there they can obstruct, can irritate and can cause problems.

And sometimes you can start with a feeling.

From here furia, that is, urinating or urinating more frequently than usual.

In other words, these would be the most frequent causes.


I have a strong urge to urinate.

And I urinate little? And another one.

Question that is asked quite often is that.

Why do I urinate and pee.

The feeling remains.

Of urinating?

I do not continue with the feeling. These are the two symptoms we were.

Explaining the pola curia and the.

Bladder seizure. The explanation is simply.

Inflammation of the bladder or urethra.

So this feeling.

Of swelling inside will give you.

A constant urge to urinate, because it is irritating, it is stimulating the nerve endings. So it will generate this sensation and this urge to urinate. Then urinate if little comes out.

Quantity, because actually the amount of urine that.

There is little.

In a small amount. And after a short time, even.

At the very moment you have finished urinating, you have the feeling that it has not emptied. In reality, it has.

It will have emptied, but the swelling it gives you is still there.

This feeling, not this swelling.

On the inside of the urinary bladder and even of the urethra of the duct leaving the urinary bladder.

So the explanation is this.

Normally it will be by infection and also be accompanied by.

Fissure, which is the unpleasant sensation.

Or it bothers me when I urinate. Why do I have constant urination without infection? You may have.

A sensation.

Urgent urination.

Or a sense of.

More frequent urination. Frequent urination around here. I think we've commented and that you don't have a urinary tract infection. This I've commented on before.

That one of the causes could be benign prostatic hyperplasia in men, that there is simply no infection here.

There is a larger than normal prostate constricting and.

It gives this unpleasant feeling. Then I commented.

Also the calculations.

Or stones in the.

Urinary tract that at some point may reach the bladder or urethra and cause problems.

And to have these sensations.

Also urinary incontinence in general, which does not have to be associated with infection.

But you will have this feeling.

Constant urge to urinate or even leakage of urine, but need not be accompanied by infection.


Another possible cause of frequent urination.

It is the.

Pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, because the head of the child's fetus is pressing more and more.



Then you can press.

In the bladder.

And that you have this feeling.


Of space.

And the need to urinate more frequently than usual.

Then, the zygote cl, which is a prolapsed bladder, i.e., it slips out of place.

Start going towards the vaginal part by pressing and this.

It often gives this feeling.

Of dick than urea of urination.

Frequent and this in women is seen.


Age, it is seen with.

Relative frequency.

Then you may not have an infection, but you may be using.


Or substances that make you urinate more frequently than.

Normal, e.g. diuretics.

But also if you drink a lot of coffee, that is, you consume a lot of coffee.

Caffeine can also lead to this more frequent urination. Also alcohol consumption will also give you.

A sensation of urinating more frequently and also sometimes.

Also when drinking alcohol or coffee, sometimes we drink without.

Be thirsty and this will be.

An additional factor.

Afterwards it has also been.

Underwent radiotherapy in the area of the.

Pelvis, because you can have cystitis. For this reason there are also the interstitial ones. There is also the lesions in the spinal cord, which can be caused by trauma, by a herniated disc, or it could be due to a tumor, by an abscess. There can be multiple causes that will surely be associated with other symptoms, but.

You will not have a urinary tract infection.

But you might start to.

Have more frequent urination.

And even this can be associated with other symptoms of.

Neurological type and also.

Urethral strictures. That is to say.

Let there be one.

Urethra narrower than normal, not because of the.

Prostate, but because.

There has been some type of repeat infection.

That of this kind of problems of. As a side effect of sequel that you narrow.

The urinary tract or due to surgical manipulation or catheterization.

Or issues of this type that sometimes can also give a side effect, a narrowing, a stenosis. And that this.

Give rise to.

Have that feeling that you have.

I urinate more frequently than usual because I urinate a lot without drinking water. This is a question.

What is done.

With some frequency in people who say they notice that they are urinating a lot, very frequently, even more than usual, but they do not have.

The feeling of drinking beyond.

From the norm. First of all, there will be.

We will have to see if this is really the case. That is, we will have to.


If you are.

Drinking more than usual and you don't realize it, because.

While you're working, doing other things, you're drinking water.

Or especially if.

They are caffeinated beverages, if it's coffee or if it's alcoholic beverages that are diuretics. Aside from the liquid that you're putting in or if it's cola drinks, because sometimes you can be.

Drinking more than usual because.

You do it while you are doing other things or because you are in a social context. This would be the.


Then, if we have already discarded infections and this we are.


Psychological causes or anxiety that may cause you to have a need without drinking water.

Of urinating more than usual and when it causes.

The anxiety subsides, it goes away. So, if this is a constant situation of anxiety, it could be that it is because of the cause. Then overactive bladder situations, which is a bladder that at inappropriate times.

Start to react and to.

Generate this feeling of.


Bladders that are small from the point of view.


Also simple urinary incontinence is of any type, as they can.


That you have more feeling or.

Urges to urinate or with.

Even more frequently than if it leaked, in this case urine. So these are the causes that provoke this situation.

Or later.

Diseases such as diabetes.

Mellitus, or much rarer, the.

Diabetes insipidus.

That result in an increase of not only the.

Frequency, but of the.

Amount of urine. What happens is that normally.

This will go later with a feeling of more desire to.

Drink and you will also drink more frequently.

And it will be a vicious circle. Then there would be.

To be valued.

All these causes.

First of all general, to see where it goes.

The situation.

Urinating a lot is bad for the kidneys. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the cause that is provoking this urinating a lot, which can be frequent urination.

Which is what we have discussed in this one.

Video, or a urination.

Excessive in the sense of.

Urinating a lot of urine. So, if it is frequent urination, usually the problem will be in the.

Bladder, will be in the.

Home or in the urethra or prostate.

On the other hand, if it is a.

Urination in large quantities.

It may be a problem in the kidney or it may be a metabolic problem, it may be diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus.

Or any other problem that we have discussed in other videos about urination.

Excessive. Then the cause would be lo.


Not the effect.

This, in principle, will do well if.

You urinate a lot, especially if it is very frequent.

First, that it's bad for your quality of life and then at the kidney level it can be bad. Well, if you urinate really a lot.

And it dehydrates you.

This may cause renal flow to decrease.

You can also cause some alterations in the kidneys and this will al.

Final may also have an impact on whether there is one.


Renal or worsening renal situation.

And let it be a vicious circle that.

You have a kidney problem and it makes you.

Urinating more and in turn urinating more.

Cannot replenish fluids.

And it hurts in turn.

To the kidney.

So it will depend on the causes and.

It also depends on the quantity. And you have to keep in mind that it is all related. How is frequent urination related to reactive arthritis? Reactive arthritis refers to joint inflammation.

Usually of the lower extremities. It is usually symmetrical, usually affecting knees, ankles or joints of the feet.

But it is reactive.

That is to say.

Secondary to an infection that may be gastrointestinal, which will go with diarrhea.

But it can also be.

A genital infection or urinary tract or urethral infection.

Itis. So these are usually bacterial infections.

And after a while one may appear.

Arthritis, an inflammation, these joints and many times it is associated.

Also to conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the part.

External eye that sometimes can also be complicated. In other words, the serious relationship would be this.

When to consult for this problem when there is no apparent cause.

Of the excess of.

Urine both in frequency and in. Entity.

That is to say, if it turns out that you drink a lot of liquid, especially if it is coffee, alcoholic beverages, cola drinks or juices, it is logical that you urinate more and that by adjusting a little this will solve the problem. However, if this.

It has no clear explanation and also disturbs your life.

Habitual, especially if it disturbs your dreams, i.e., you have.

Nocturnal and by the.

Night you have to lift several times, or symptoms appear as.

Painful urination with burning.

Or do you see that.

There is a red urine, or.

Even that there is what it seems to be.

Blood or very dark or brown urine.

Or that you are also in pain.

Abdominal or mostly in the lower abdomen.

Or that you start with urinary incontinence that is that.


It also escapes.

Urine. Well, this will have to be consulted, about.

All if there are warning signs that would be.

For example.

If you start with.

Fever and lower back pain, which could be a urinary tract infection.

That it gets complicated.

With an infection in the kidney, on one side or the other, and you may start with a fever in addition to pain in the lower back or in the legs.

Lateral parts of the.

Lower back area, or envelope.

All if you start with weakness.

In the legs, or a loss.

Sensitivity, especially in the pelvic area.

Loss of reflexes or, as I say, with budgetary incontinence. These are warning signs that should be consulted because there could be a potentially serious cause.

How is the cause diagnosed?

The doctor will ask you about your symptoms.


It will explore and normally.

If the problem is frequent urination, especially if it goes with emotional syndrome, such as urinary stress. This is usually a urinary tract infection and what is requested is an analysis.

Of urine with a uro culture or a urine culture that.

It will tell us.

The germ and also the antibiotic.

That is to say.


That can be useful.

To attack the bacteria.

What is causing the infection. Many times it gets.

An initial empirical treatment of a.

Antibiotic, known to.

It works well for most urinary tract infections, because the uroculture usually takes a long time.

A few days, it may take one.

Week in arriving the result.

Depending on the circumstances, it may be requested.

Also a blood test to evaluate.

What may be the cause. In case of men. Many times a PSA is requested, especially in people over 50 years old, if it can be suspected.

There is one.


Benign prostate also to assess.

If there could be prostate cancer. Sometimes it is requested.

A urine of 24.

Hours if suspected.

The problem goes for a.


Of quantity of urine. To assess the total amount of urine.

That you expel.

For 24.

Hours if necessary, as it will already have to be assessed if a copy is made, which is to introduce a probe and.

Look at the level of the.

Bladder or dynamic studies to see how the bladder works and how.

Urine flow.

Questions this type and already other studies as they can be the ultrasound that can be very.

Useful to see how.

There is the bladder.

Prostate, kidney and also.

It is subsequently assessed whether CT scans, MRI scans and additional tests of this type are necessary. Normally if it is a.

Frequent urination problem.

And urination.

Urgent with.

Additional syndrome, i.e., with discomfort when urinating in discomfort in the lower part.

From the abdomen it is usually a urinary tract infection and there is usually no major problem, but.

If there are additional symptoms, there will be.

What to investigate further. What remedies do you use to treat this problem of urgent and frequent urination or what remedies could be used at home?

These are questions that are asked.

Usually and that on the one hand.

There is the matter.

Prevention or.


And on the other hand.

Knowing the exact cause that is.

Causing at this time the problem. We have already said that the most frequent cause of urgent and frequent urination.

This is the subject of urinary tract infections. In the case of men, also prostatitis. So here what we have to do is the.

Antibiotic treatment prescribed by the doctor, do it correctly.

And that's it. Sometimes an anti-inflammatory is associated depending on the circumstances.

But the treatment.

It is very evident in the case that there is.

A problem.

Prostate or even prostate cancer, well, yeah.

Pharmacological treatment will have to be done.

What is recommended to decongest the.

Prostate, to relax the bladder sphincter or surgical treatment.

If necessary. In the case of incontinence, it would be the same. Sometimes treatments are used.

Anti-choline pharmacologicals.

Juices that.

They increase sphincter tone to prevent urine from leaking. But sometimes there may also be treatment.