PROSTATE causes erection and ejaculation problems

The prostate and some malicious friend who says that it is only used to feed the urologist. But no, it is not true. The prostate has its mission and an important mission, especially during the reproductive period, because it produces a series of substances that give, let's say, support to the sperm when it passes through there and improves its reproductive capacity. What happens is that, of course, over time the prostate begins to cause problems and when it passes at this reproductive age, after 40 or 50 years of age when the prostate begins to cause problems, we find three types of possible pathologies. And yes, you have to differentiate. It should be clarified that how prostate pathology can affect a man.


For example, one.


It can be one of them.




But effectively understand how prostatitis, inflammation or infection can affect you, that this is usually an acute episode. Although if they are repeated over time they can become chronic prostatitis, that is, let's say it is purely inflammatory. Then there is a benign growth, a benign growth. It's called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Technically it is a prostate that increases in size and that causes problems simply because of that, because it increases in size and begins to cause symptoms in the lower urinary tract. Symptomatology at the time of urination gives problems to urinate.


In what sense ?


Well, for example, the symptoms can be either emergency symptoms that we call filling or emptying symptoms. They are symptoms of filling, for example. Well, I can't stand it without going to the bathroom, I have an emergency, I have to run away, I can't stand it. I get up many times at night to urinate very, very frequently to urinate, I urinate every two or three and I can't stand it, for example, a movie, a trip when I'm driving I have to stop to urinate. Those are symptoms of filling because the bladder protests as soon as it is full and others are symptoms of emptying. Emptying symptoms are. Decreases the force of the emotional jet. I have to squeeze to urinate. I have the jet. It goes intermittently. There is drip, there is drip to urinate. After finishing, it keeps leaking. They are symptoms of emptying. All these symptoms are largely due to the enlargement of the prostate, which is a natural thing. It is a natural thing that happens over time. But hey, from a certain age they start to bother.


And why ? Peter Xavier asks. Why does this have to do with erection and ejaculation problems ?


Well, it is curious, because more and more it is being shown that it is possibly the most frequent cause of erection problems and ejaculation problems in men who are beginning to turn years. It is an independent risk factor, not only others that we have mentioned other times such as cardiovascular problems, tobacco, diabetes, but in itself, the fact of having a large prostate also affects the erection. In fact, it is a myth or a thing that we think that our elders are already sexually inactive. A very interesting study has been done on 14,000 European men and it has been seen that 65% of men between 70 and 80 years old are sexually active. We think that our grandparents are no longer sexually active. It's a mistake. Eight, for example, 83% between 60 and 70 years old, 83% are sexually active and for them a prostate problem conditions an increased incidence of erection problems.


And how is the benign prostate hyperplasia diagnosed ?


Well, it must be said that the symptoms are diagnosed with the clinic when you arrive at the consultation and they count all these problems as symptoms that can already be treated. Hyperplasia is a pathological anatomy term, that is, we would need to have some finding, a biopsy, some type of report and it really is the size. The size is seen by ultrasound and it is seen by something that we call the PSA, which is a prostate-specific antigen, a determination that is made in a blood test and that allows us to differentiate, it brings us quite close to the differentiation between them . That problem because of that prostate growth is of a benign nature or a malignant nature.


But there are those who say, or the legend says that when it comes to the treatment of both benign and malignant hyperplasia, it leaves you dry. It means it leaves you dry. The desire, the erection, the ejaculation and whatever happens.


If that's it, that's indeed another problem. Because of course, if in addition to affecting you, 72% of men who have prostate problems are going to have sexual problems in one way or another. But it is also that, when they go to the doctor and the good doctor, because after this digital rectal examination so feared by some, he already diagnoses them that he has a prostate problem and they are given treatment depending on what treatment is given, you can see affected more or less his erection, his desire or his ejaculation. At least 10% of those who receive treatment will have erection problems. In many of them, approximately 5% will have a loss of desire. loss ? They will not have the same libido. They will have less desire, less sexual drive, less interest in sex and in many cases, especially with some treatments that are called alpha blockers. Some of our listeners will sound like their kitchen to use sina tera kitchen dox azo but if the dozen because really up to 90% of these drugs will produce a decrease in the volume of the ejaculate, that is, of what is expelled once he reaches orgasm, the man will have less ejaculate, less quantity.


I mean, that's talkable with chemistry.


If today the truth is that research is still being carried out on patients who have erection problems and also have prostate problems, they can show symptoms of the lower urinary tract, they can be benefited by some drugs that we already used, such as tadalafil , drugs that we are using for erection problems, common viagra . It's good, it would be concretely concretely Cialis is commercialized in our country and has the advantage that the format is taken daily, since it affects less erection and less to not only the date, but on top of that it can even benefit, it cannot benefit the erection and corrects the symptoms of the urinary tract lower.


Surgically get into the prostate, in addition to making it a butcher shop. The finger in it is advisable or if it is avoidable, the better.


Well, I think that the solution, the surgical solution is always behind these treatments, that is, a treatment. A patient who is not benefited by these drugs, who begins to have problems, which are not solved with drugs that can be used, for example. Well , Teri doubts about finasteride , it must be said that in these drugs it is also a myth, because really after a year, two years, three years of taking them, he recovers an erection again and recovers it again through desire. But well, if for whatever reason the symptoms do not improve with these or with the combination of different drugs and we have to go to surgery. Well, the truth is that the alternative is very good, that is, because it leaves you with no additional symptoms and we can use a green laser , we can use a resection surgery after your prostate letter.


Invasive or non-invasive.


Invasive, invasive but minimally invasive. Actually, the patient goes to the operating room, spends a couple of days in the hospital. In the case of reception, if laser is used, it will be much less. You can spend even a few hours in the hospital, go home and begin to urinate better. In other words, the improvement is really very, very, very important from the symptomatic point of view. And let's not forget that each time the patient who does not arrive is younger, sexually active, but also active at work and well, you have to rejoin your working life.


So is the woman more likely to have her bottom looked at than the man ?


I think so. Culturally, they are more accustomed to going to have their cytology periodically done, checked by a gynecologist. Look, men don't come to bed until they start to have symptoms. I le.


I confess I don't know How do I have the prostate?


Yes, and like me many colleagues and it's like that, it's like that, it's very good, because we have a certain fear. So there are many myths, it seems that when you go you are already old and we don't like that, that they don't put that label, now.


One who is older will come back, who is my friend Alvarito, who is much older than me, he sends me. He wonders whether to urinate sitting down. Is it true that it is good for the prostate ?


No, it is neither better nor worse. What happens is that since it is more comfortable for some patients who have urethral problems, which is more frequent, they begin to show very similar symptoms, a narrowing of the urethra, sometimes they urinate better sitting down, among other things because, well, here comes a little cleaning, right?