Shrink the Prostate:  Important All-Natural Way 

Now, I will never forget the day a 72 year old patient of mine came in, was having basic struggles with erectile health. But really when I started to listen to it was more about the prostate, right? So he had gone and he had shockwave, he had all these different things and he basically said nothing was working. So I listened. Took a really complete history in physical and by the next day he had some severe changes in how he experienced his prostate and even his erectile health.

So let's go through what I consider to be the number one most forgotten, but all at the same time important, allnatural way to shrink the prostate and to deal with prostatic symptoms. All right? So let's just get into it. All right, so when you look at the prostate, the prostate sits at the base of the bladder, right? Now, the reason the prostate is so important is because if you notice, everything that's coming from the bladder has to go through the prostate.

See, the prostate is that little like round kind of shaped thing shaped like a chestnut. And then to the right you see the seminal vesicle. It's called the seminal vesicle because the seminal vesicle is what contributes mostly to semen. So if you notice, there are some pathways that travel through that connect and those pathways ultimately become the urethra and are responsible for urine coming through the prostate, for ejaculation coming through the prostate. So that's why the prostate is so important and that's why we ultimately end up having a lot of symptoms.

This is another great scene here that shows how the bladder sits on top of the prostate. And if you can see that seminal vesicle kind of going through the prostate and contributing to when we have a stream or a flow of events, right? So prostate issues typically become an issue in the 40s, right? And so prostate symptoms typically are nocturia, which basically means getting up in the middle of the night more than once to urinate, you know, and I get guys all the time, you say, you know what, Doc, but I drink a lot of water. No, no, no.

It shouldn't be keeping you up at night though, right? Hesitant urine. Hesitant urine means I got to push to get it to go right before it starts. Weak or slow stream. This is one thing that you may notice.

It may have gotten to the point where you scope now it's just going a lot, a lot slower than that. Decreased ejaculation, that's one thing. Pain during ejaculation, you know, just a little bit of pain at the base could be a symptom of it burning when you urinate. That could be a symptom dribbling. Just kind of like a noticing that you're a little wet down there because it's dribbling.

The next would be maybe not emptying your bladder completely. Like you go and then you feel like, gee, a couple of hours later. You know, I need to go again and I need to go again and I need to go again. Right? Because it's not getting emptied completely.

Whether you realize it or not. Sometimes it's fullness or tenderness or pressure right down low there another one is trouble holding. It like gosh. All of a sudden I've got to rush to get there. You might even start carrying a little bobble with you in your car because that's an easier way to go than the other ways.

Some low back pain and maybe even blood in the urine. Now, first things first. If you have any of those symptoms, you've got to get to your doctor. You want to get checked out, you want to get an ultrasound. You want to get a digital rectal exam where they actually check your prostate.

You want them to check your PSA, okay? So those are some of the symptoms associated with it. And if you notice if you've done, one of the things that we ask is how many times a night are you getting up to urinate? That's a big one. So prostate growth is fueled by aging.

You know, it doesn't really start to become a problem until the age of 40. And what's happening is we're having a decline in testosterone, but we're having an increase in DHT. Now, DHT is the hormone responsible for balding. You know, you might start to notice the thinning of the hair up there, but it's also responsible for causing the prostate to swell, right? So this is kind of like a hyper version of testosterone, and it's one that we want to regulate or we want to try to keep it at a lower pace.

And sometimes you may be on testosterone supplementation and what you'll notice is things start to get worse. You start to notice your hair may be thinning. You may even start to notice some more of those prostate symptoms. That is ultimately usually because that testosterone is being converted into DHT. So our goal is to, hey, hold on, let's slow down the conversion of DHT.

The other ways that prostate growth is fueled by is inflammation. Inflammation. That's why we talk about antiinflammatories or food items that we know can decrease inflammation and also figuring out what's causing inflammation in your body and avoiding it and removing it. The other thing is oxidative stress. This is what happens when we start to age.

We talk a lot about how the blood vessels start to age. Everything starts to age. So what can we do lifestylewise to counteract that? And that's where things like our Efunction smoothie recipes come in. That's why we talk so much about nutrition and doing things that are going to quell that type of thing.

And then there's prostate remodeling. We don't talk about is that over time, amyloid and sometimes collagen starts to deposit in the prostate. And what that does is it starts to make the prostate unhealthy and larger, right? And so the prostate starts to get boggy and enlarged and it starts to obstruct all of those things we just showed, right? It starts to starts to decrease the size of the urethra as it goes through because it's starting to squeeze all of these structures in here.

And that's what's ultimately fueling the issue, right? So when we're talking about prostate growth being fueled by that, that's ultimately why we spend so much energy talking about the things that can counteract that. Now any of those things are happening to you. Of course you have to go to your doctor. You want to get evaluated.

The problem that I have with the way prostate inflammation is handled in our country is that instead of doing lifestyle changes and trying to remove the things that could be causing it, trying to decrease inflammation in the body and trying to do all of these great things that some other countries spend some time on, we throw medication at it, right? We throw medication at it and ultimately what happens with the medication, right? Most men, you're either prescribed Alpha, alpha blockers, alpha antagonists, or you are given five Alpha reductase inhibitors. The problem with these are that they actually, sometimes, in a lot of you, cause symptoms. That's when you start to say, well, Doc, I've been on this and now all of a sudden my erections have gotten worse, or all types of things start to go haywire.

So the next piece is that when we look at the data and we look at how effective this is, a third of the guys who are given this medication do not improve, don't improve in size and do not improve in symptoms. So since BPH usually develops after the age of 40, but by the age of 60, the estimate is around 50% of guys have it by the age of 85. Around 90% of gentlemen in Western countries this is where we live, in the United States and in other Western countries, around 90% of men that are 85 years and older have it. That's because we don't talk about why it's happening, so we don't do anything to counteract that. So let's talk about what you can actually do.

Instead of medication or on top of medication, you can actually bring this data to your doctor because I've listed resources below for you to do that. I get doctors reaching out to me every week, which makes me feel so good about this that they learn something new from the channel and they're going to change the way that they're doing things. And that's because you are telling your doctor about this type of information, right? So let me introduce you to what in Acupuncture is called the gen mole point. This gen mole point is located halfway in between the end of your scrotum and the anus.

And that point is the point that corresponds to your prostate, right? So what I want you to consider doing is get out your prostate massager. Any prostate massager will do and you're going to locate that point. The best way to locate that point is with a full bladder. When you have to go to the bathroom, lay on your back at the end of your day and locate that point.

And what you'll notice is when you find it, you'll feel this urge to go. And then what I want you to do is commence in a prostate massage. You'll put a little bit of lubricant on it. Now notice I'm not telling you to enter inside to do this prostate massage. This is a perineal prostate massage.

We're doing it from the outside. And whether you massage your prostate from the outside or from the inside, typically there are some amazing results. If you look below and start to look at the studies and the data behind this, you will start to wonder why you haven't heard about this more and why we're not talking about it more. Well, it's cheap, it's damn, they're free. Because you could even use your fingers.