Reduce inflammation of your prostate - prostatitis treatment

Hello. He has been diagnosed with prostatitis. You may feel discomfort when urinating or difficulty urinating or pain in the perineum area, in the pineal area and in the area between the testicles and the anus. The ejaculations may be annoying. I am going to explain to you what physiotherapy and in diva technology can do for the treatment of prostatitis. First of all, what is prostatitis? Well, classically it is known as inflammation of the prostate. It is becoming known more and more about this type of dysfunction problem. It is known that it has become a bit of a mixed bag. The point is that the pain has an origin in the area where the prostate is and that it gives symptoms that affect both the urinary level and cause pain in the pelvic area, as well as problems in sexual relations, since it causes pain in the and accumulation. There are different types of prostatitis and they need different treatment when the prostatitis has an infectious origin, when it is a bacterium that is causing this inflammation of the prostate, it requires antibiotic medical treatment.


Sometimes it is inflammation and that prostate infection is in an acute phase, it is something punctual, it is treated with antibiotics and it is resolved. Sometimes it becomes chronic and it is difficult to resolve that infection. Other times it happens that we speak of a bacterial prostatitis. That means there are no bacteria. For many analyzes that have been made of the seminal fluid and in the urine, no bacteria are found. And this is currently being called chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This inflammatory and painful process can be in an inflammatory or non-inflammatory phase. In any case, this is where we are going to have a lot more to do. Physiotherapists and the indicated technology to help you also in asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. What happens is that not here, you don't need that much. The patient does not claim treatment because he is not showing symptoms, although there is an inflammation in the prostate. Well, you should know that in many cases it is not known. It is never known for what reason the pain in the area of the prostate that radiates to the perineum, to the penis, to the anus that causes that discomfort at the urinary level that makes it difficult for you to completely empty the bladder or even not only that it is difficult to finish emptying, but that it is annoying to urinate.


Well, when infection is ruled out, it is very interesting to work with physiotherapy and the indicated technology. Because it is known today that in most cases this pain actually has a muscular or facial origin. There is a situation of all the tissues that coexist within the pelvis, the muscles and the connective tissues that are not working well. There are tensions or congestion that make the prostate not calm. The cells of the prostate are feeding us correctly and there is not a good circulation of blood that comes and goes. Of course, physiotherapists are going to help us with all the manual therapy techniques that we would do in our knowledge. Not only are we going to help ourselves with manual therapy for as little as we can, we are going to help ourselves with technology and long live, because it helps us a lot to improve drainage, the regeneration of those tissues that have been suffering from a congestive or painful situation for a long time. Technology is nothing else and indicates that the contribution, the application of an energy to our body, a certain type of current that has been studied and has been seen, that has the effect on our body of improving the regeneration of tissues, the drainage, the nutrition of our tissues, we will be able to apply in diba technology together with our manual therapy techniques.


In fact, technology today is what is going to enhance our effect as therapists. He had heard of the Tec. The electric transfer teak trained and resisted. He invented it in Viva. It is the combination of electrode application. Capacitor and resisted electrode in the treatment of a tissue to make it determined to radiate radiofrequency. That it has such an interesting effect on the tissue that is being studied. How do we do it? Will you bring me closer, Martha, please? The skeleton. This is going to simulate being a patient. It is a patient who is very thin. Okay, let's see. This is the pelvis. Here would be the legs. And this is the backbone. In agreement. The prostate is located in here, just below the bladder. Here would be the bladder. The, let's say, the bag where we accumulate urine between urination and urination. And right at the end of the bladder, in the urine duct. That is, around the tube of the urethra. There's the prostate, which is a gland like a big chestnut.


The point is that we can access the tissues of the prostate and the tissues around the prostate with external manual therapy. But we can also access with the help of technology. What I am going to do? I'm going to place this plate, which is actually an electrode, in the lower back. The lumbar or gluteal area. In agreement. And I'm going to help myself with this other electrode for when I'm doing manual therapy. The type of massage you need in the area, above the pubis, or even in that annoying, sore area of the perineal area between the testicles and the anus. And also, if necessary, I can ask you to turn face down. And from this electrode to this other, a current flow is being produced that is benefiting all the tissues that exist between this posterior part of our body, between the sacrum, the coccyx, the buttocks, the lumbar to the anterior part. In agreement. While we apply the techniques of festive manual therapy.


To relax all the muscles that may be bothering the nutrition of the prostate. The effects of the technology indicates the effects that we intend with this technology to achieve a decrease in pain and inflammation. It has a very interesting anti-inflammatory effect because the point is that it reaches very deep tissues. Although we are applying something at a superficial level, all the tissues inside our skin are benefiting. And if necessary, we could actually help each other. The longitudinal electrode is an electrode, here it looks very large, but it is a narrow electrode, totally painless that can help me access the prostate area much more closely. What we intend is to improve the metabolism and improve the same of your tissues and ultimately, rebalance all the tension of the muscles and ligaments and aponeurosis of all the connective and muscular tissue that is coexisting in the area of your pelvis to improve the state of the environment of the prostate. Therefore, improve the state of the prostate and improve if there is really congestion and inflammation, drain all that liquid that has been ecstatic.