Lack of sexual desire, lack of lubrication in women and erectile dysfunction in men are very common symptoms and are one of the most important causes of sexual problems that ruin our intimacy today, and there are natural substances and exercises capable of improving the hardness of erection in men and lubrication in women. Let's see in this video what our sexual performance depends on in order to enhance it effectively. Sexual activity depends, first of all, on our nervous system, our autonomic brain, the one on which we do not decide consciously, is divided in two into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system and the processes of both are opposite. For good sex we need more activity of the parasympathetic system. That is why all substances that enhance this generally enhance our sexuality. The sympathetic system helps us to fight or escape from threats and it does this by drawing blood from the organs, including the sexual organs, and taking it to the muscle so that you have more oxygen and more energy to be able to escape or fight.

And the parasympathetic system prepares us for proper digestion, to rest and even to be able to have sex. This is why we tend to have more sexual desire on a weekend afternoon when we are relaxed or a morning when we have nothing to do compared to the night, then an intense and stressful workday. The moral of all this is clear that greater sympathetic activity helps us to have better sexuality and greater sympathetic activity. It does exactly the opposite. And what does this sympathetic activity in our body depend on? In general, it depends on stress. When we need to survive a threat, the last thing we will want to do is have sex. This is because chronic stress and the increase in cortisol that is three hormones lead to a decrease in testosterone, which is one of the hormones most related to sexual desire. If this is your case, there are different strategies to decrease not only the values of cortisol in blood, but also to decrease the negative impact that cortisol has on your cells and tissues, such as meditation, breathing exercises, physical activity, herbs adapted genes such as Uganda or substances such as vitamin C, among others.

The point is that there are many strategies you can use to lower the impact of stress on your body that serve you not only on a sexual level, but on an immunological level and on a general quality of life level. But stress and sympathetic activity are not the only things that regulate our sexual desire. The circadian cycle, our body's biological clock, plays an essential role in sexual desire, as it regulates proper hormone production. It basically tells your body when to produce each hormone and in the case of testosterone, its peak daytime production occurs during sleep. That is why sleep disorders, both in quality and duration of sleep, disruption of the circadian rhythm or falling asleep out of schedule and poor breathing during sleep are associated with lower testosterone levels in both men and women and therefore, a lower sex drive. Finally, our mood will also determine our sexual desire and performance. Testosterone has a protective role on anxiety and depression, and in 2007 studies found that a better mood, a more positive mood, was associated with a lower risk of sexually transmitted diseases, such as Chive, because it modified sexual behavior, decreased the chance of engaging in risky sexual behavior, such as not using a condom during casual sex.

And most studies found that emotions related to unhappiness, irritability or anger decrease sexual desire and sexual activity in general, and emotions such as anxiety increase risky sexual behaviors. But obviously keep in mind that most of the studies that talk about sexuality are small and not all of them agree on this. The basic conclusion is that the better mood we maintain the better positioned we are. We are going to be in a better position to make better sexual decisions and we are going to have an overall higher sex drive. But before mentioning the different strategies to improve your sexual performance, it is important that you understand the origin of sexual problems. One of the causes of erectile dysfunction is the reduction of blood flow in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Normally, erection occurs because these corpora cavernosa are filled with blood due to dilation. So, the less blood in the penis, the less chance of generating and maintaining an erection over time. I have. That is why many of the drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction are focused on producing this vessel dilation, giving side effects such as hypotension or even painful erections.

And on the other hand, for this dilation to happen, we need the production of a substance called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a gas that has nothing to do with the nitrous oxide you see in movies and in the body. It is considered one of the most potent natural vasodilators with many beneficial effects on health, both in the nervous system, cardiovascular system and many other places. Low concentrations of nitric oxide cause less blood circulation in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, leading from a softer erection to a difficult to maintain erection or even no erection at all. And while it is much more difficult, it is a problem in women to remember that the clitoris also has corpora cavernosa and also fills with blood. Now, once I understood why these disorders appear, let's see what strategies exist to enhance or improve that sexual form. On the one hand we have the L Citrus Line and the A l arginine, which are two amino acids that basically have proven to have beneficial effects in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

A study conducted on 24 middle-aged patients. If the studies in general and sexuality are very small, it showed how supplementation with Citrus lina improved not only the hardness of erection, but increased the number of times people had sex in a month if they had a steady partner. And unlike drugs used for erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil, LS insulin proved to be safer and psychologically well accepted by the patients studied and other studies on arginine that I mentioned before showed that its use in combination with maritime pine extract improved erectile dysfunction, increased dilation so that more blood reached the corpora cavernosa and ended up for those reasons enhancing erection. Thirdly, we can increase the amount of androgen receptors. Androgens are the hormones, like testosterone or tendons, that in both men and women stimulate libido giving us greater sexual desire, better performance and androgen receptors are the molecules that the cells of our body have to be able to capture these sexual hormones and that effectively fulfill their function.

The concept is clear the more of these receptors we have the better our body is prepared to respond to these hormones and some methods that have proven to increase these receptors are intermittent fasting. You do not even need to do so many hours between 12 and 16 hours and serves to increase these effects. Explosive endurance training. This means short, fast intervals of exercise about three times a week. Supplementation with l carnitine muscle choline or creatine. Obviously you don't have to do everything, start with what you can. In 4th place, there is electrical muscle stimulation. This technique is used for muscle strengthening and better recovery. After injuries and studies done on rats, they showed how electrical stimulation on the muscles increased. The androgen receptors I mentioned before and human studies showed that the administration of electrical stimulation to the muscles at specific points in the body increased the total concentrations of testosterone and DDA, which is a precursor hormone, generating a positive effect on both sexual desire and performance.

In 5th place, there is red light therapy. This type of therapy is part of the photo bio modulation processes that stimulates the production of ATP, increasing the energy available in our cells, particularly in the Lady cells, which are the cells present in a testicle, responsible for the production of 90% of testosterone. And a study conducted with this trans cranial photo bio modulation. If there is red light near the scalp, it showed that repeated sessions were associated with an improvement on sexual dysfunction, having evaluated sexual desire, arousal and orgasm. This type of therapy could be associated with sun exposure, since exposure to sunlight has beneficial effects on testosterone production. And if you want to know more about that, I leave you the link to my video about the sun so you can evaluate how to get the benefits of sunlight without its risks or minimizing the risks. Then we have low intensity extracorporeal shock waves. As you probably already understood, the key for both men and women is blood flow to the genital organs and one way to increase blood flow is with a technique called extracorporeal shock waves that create inflammation.

But the effect of these waves particularly generates the formation of new blood vessels and therefore, the arrival of more blood to a tissue, thus increasing the amount of blood vessels and increasing the amount of blood flow in both penis and clitoris, facilitating erection. And in addition, in the case of women, the increase in the arrival of blood flow in the genital area by extracorporeal shock waves, pulse waves stimulate vaginal lubrication, thus decreasing the sensation of pain and comfort during intercourse and increasing the length and diameter of the clitoris. On the other hand, we have odors, foods and flavors that can affect our sexual performance because they affect taste and smell, and are related to changes they produce in the skin or body fluids. In fact, depending on how we feed them, we can change the taste and smell of semen or vaginal discharge. Foods such as pineapple, mango, apple, blueberries, lemon or parsley can help sweeten vaginal discharge or semen.

And obviously there are more techniques such as SO2 laser, widely used today in post menopausal women suffering from atrophy, vaginal bulb and without.

How it stays. But it's a little rarer and it's a little harder to achieve. Now, if the above strategies are not an option for you or if you want to further improve your sexual performance, there are exercises that are important for intimacy. The first type of exercise I am going to mention applies to both men and women and consists of strengthening those muscles that will give us greater mobility in bed and allow us to hold positions or have sex for longer. Those muscles, such as the hip flexors, abdominals and spinal muscles. These muscles are responsible for pushing the hip giving greater stabilization of the body. And the exercises that are going to strengthen these muscles are squats, hip raises and planks. Secondly, we have a type of exercise that applies especially for women, as it strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, but also strengthens the muscles of the vaginal canal that allow just tighten the channel and are the exercises of greater contraction of the vaginal muscles, involving greater pressure on the penis and therefore greater satisfaction for both men and women.

These exercises consist of finding the same muscles that you would use to stop the flow of urine and to lift the anus. In fact, you can even do it right now while watching the video. You can do this exercise by holding the contraction in 2 to 5 second intervals for ten to 15 repetitions, three or more times throughout the day. I also tell you that Kegel exercises serve to prevent pathologies such as urinary incontinence and prolapse later in life, so they have a double benefit and on top of that they allow you to use resistance to strengthen the muscles even more than you can do without weight. For the male version of this exercise you can use an initially small wet towel on top of the erection and you need to contract the pelvic and anal muscles in such a way that they lift the towel and the penis. In this way you can train the erection muscles in the same way you can train a biceps in the gym. On the other hand, there are different foods or supplements that help to naturally increase the levels of nitric oxide to achieve a greater blood flow to the genital area.

First of all, we have flavonoids, which are mainly found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, tea, bitter chocolate and red wine. In fact, cocoa is one of the richest sources of polyphenols and a study showed how these compounds improve erection in patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. They are not wonderful, but they add up. Then we have Maca which helps reverse erectile dysfunction and increase sperm count and motility in patients with poor sperm. Brahma and yojimbo Binah, which is extracted from an African tree, helps maintain harder erections as well as an increase in libido and pheno greco in men has been shown to increase sexual satisfaction. And also, keep in mind that foods such as spinach, arugula, carrots, beets, nuts or dressings such as balsamic or olive oil, are all sources of precursors of the citrus option, with which all these substances have a small effect, but they have it of enhancing our sexuality.

And finally, remember that some nutritional deficiencies and low blood levels of substances can alter your hormones and your fertility, reducing sexual desire and performance in both sexes, as happens with vitamin zinc, magnesium or hormone precursors such as DEA. And we can not forget that many studies indicate that up to 75% of women of childbearing age suffer from premenstrual syndrome with pain, irritability and discomfort, so balancing hormones in both men and women, is shown as something central to improve sexual performance and sexual satisfaction. The idea that you have to take away from all this is that we can all improve our sexual performance to enjoy our sexual relations more and even improve our bond if we are in a couple. Use the tips you can from this video, because all the longest-lived people are sexually active, up to very old ages, and because they can improve your satisfaction and your quality of life.