Books of the Bible Index of Homilies
Matthew Mark Luke John The Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Tobit Judith Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes The Song of Songs The Book of Wisdom Sirach Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Baruch Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
In the First Reading we heard that the Lord takes care of his children like a parent: He takes care to provide his children with nourishing food. God says through the Prophet: “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which does not satisfy?” (Is 55:2). God, like a good father and a good mother, wants to give good things to his children. And what is this nourishing food that God gives us? It is his Word: his Word makes us grow, it enables us to bear good fruit in life, just as the rain and snow imbue the earth, making it fruitful (cf. Is 55:10-11). Likewise you, parents, and you too, godmothers and godfathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, will help these children grow if you give them the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus. And give it also by your example! Every day, make it a habit to read a passage of the Gospel, a small one, and always carry a little Gospel with you in your pocket, in your purse, so you can read it. And this will set the example for your children, seeing dad, mom, their godparents, grandpa, grandma, aunts and uncles, reading the Word of God.
You, mothers, give milk to your children — even now, if they are crying with hunger, feed them, don’t worry. Let us thank the Lord for the gift of milk, and let us pray for those mothers — there are so many, unfortunately — who are unable to breast-feed their children. Let us pray and let us try to help these mothers. Thus, what milk does for the body, the Word of God does for the spirit: the Word of God makes faith grow. And thanks to faith we have been begotten by God. This is what happens at Baptism. We have heard the Apostle John: “Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God” (1 Jn 5:1). Your children are baptized in this faith. Today it is your faith, dear parents, godfathers and godmothers. It is the faith of the Church, in which these little ones receive Baptism. But tomorrow, by the grace of God, it will be their faith, their personal “yes” to Jesus Christ, which gives us the Father’s love.
I said: it is the faith of the Church. This is very important. Baptism integrates us into the body of the Church, into the holy People of God. And in this body, in this people journeying on, faith is passed down from generation to generation: it is the faith of the Church. It is the faith of Mary, our Mother, the faith of St Joseph, of St Peter, of St Andrew, of St John, the faith of the Apostles and of the Martyrs, which has come down to us, through Baptism: the chain of transmission of the faith. This is really beautiful! It is a passing of the flame of faith from hand to hand: we too will soon express it with the act of lighting candles from the great Paschal candle. The large wax candle represents the Risen Christ, living in our midst. You, families, take the light of faith from Him in order to pass it on to your children. You receive this light in the Church, in the Body of Christ, in the People of God who are journeying through every time and in every place. Teach your children that one cannot be a Christian outside of the Church, one cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Church, for the Church is Mother, who makes us grow in the love of Jesus Christ.
One last feature emerges powerfully from today’s Bible Readings: in Baptism we are consecrated by the Holy Spirit. This is what the word “Christian” means, it means consecrated like Jesus, in the same Spirit in which Jesus was immersed throughout his earthly existence. He is the “Christ”, the Anointed One, the Consecrated One; we, the baptized, are “Christian”, meaning consecrated, anointed. Therefore, dear parents, dear godfathers and godmothers, if you want your children to become true Christians, help them to grow up “immersed” in the Holy Spirit, that is to say, in the warmth of the love of God, in the light of his Word. For this reason, do not forget to invoke the Holy Spirit often, every day. “Do you pray, Ma’am?” — “Yes” — “Whom do you pray to?”. — “I pray to God”. But “God” does not exist like this: God is one person, and as a Person the Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist. “Whom do you pray to?”. — “The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit”. We usually pray to Jesus. When we pray the “Our Father”, we pray to the Father. But we do not often pray to the Holy Spirit. It is very important to pray to the Holy Spirit, because He teaches us how to bring up the family, the children, so that these children may grow up in the atmosphere of the Holy Trinity. It is precisely the Spirit who leads them forward. For this reason, do not forget to invoke the Holy Spirit often, every day. You can do so, for example, with this simple prayer: “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love”. You can say this prayer for your children, as well as, naturally, for yourselves!
When you recite this prayer, you feel the maternal presence of the Virgin Mary. She teaches us to pray to the Holy Spirit, and to live in accordance with the Spirit, like Jesus. May Our Lady, our Mother, always accompany the journey of your children and of your families. Amen.
Dear Parents,
You have brought your children for Baptism, and this is the first step in that task that you have, the task of transmitting the faith.
But we need the Holy Spirit to transmit the faith; we cannot do it alone. Being able to transmit the faith, the opportunity to transmit it, is a grace of the Holy Spirit; and this is why you have brought your children here: so that they may receive the Holy Spirit, receive the Trinity — the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit — who will dwell in their hearts.
I would like to tell you only one thing, which pertains to you: transmission of the faith can only be done “in dialect”, in the dialect of daddy and mommy, of grandpa and grandma. Then the catechists will come to develop this first transmission, with ideas, with explanations.... But do not forget this: it is done “in dialect”, and if the dialect is missing, if at home that language of love is not spoken between the parents, then the transmission is not very easy; it cannot be done. Do not forget. Your task is to transmit the faith, but to do so with the dialect of love of your home, of your family.
They too [children] have their own “dialect”, which does us good to hear! Now they are all quiet, but suffice it that one give the tone and then the orchestra follows! The dialect of children! And Jesus advises us to be like them, to speak like them. We must not forget this language of children, who speak how they are able, but it is the language that is so pleasing to Jesus. And, in your prayers, be simple like them. Tell Jesus what comes into your heart, as they do. Today they will say it with cries, yes, as babies do. The parents’ dialect which is love for transmitting the faith, and the children's dialect which must be welcomed by parents in order to grow in faith.
Now we will continue the ceremony; and if they begin to perform a concert it is because they are not comfortable, or are too hot, or do not feel at ease, or are hungry.... If they are hungry, nurse them, without worry; feed them, because this too is a language of love.
Pope Francis
26.08.20 General Audience, Library of the Apostolic Palace
Catechesis - “To Heal the World”: 4. The universal destination of goods and the virtue of hope
Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
In the face of the pandemic and its social consequences, many risk losing hope. In this time of uncertainty and anguish, I invite everyone to welcome the gift of hope that comes from Christ. It is He who helps us navigate the tumultuous waters of sickness, death and injustice, which do not have the last word over our final destination.
The pandemic has exposed and aggravated social problems, above all that of inequality. Some people can work from home, while this is impossible for many others. Certain children, notwithstanding the difficulties involved, can continue to receive an academic education, while this has been abruptly interrupted for many, many others. Some powerful nations can issue money to deal with the crisis, while this would mean mortgaging the future for others.
These symptoms of inequality reveal a social illness; it is a virus that comes from a sick economy. And we must say it simply: the economy is sick. It has become ill. It is sick. It is the fruit of unequal economic growth – this is the illness: the fruit of unequal economic growth – that disregards fundamental human values. In today’s world, a few rich people possess more than all the rest of humanity. I will repeat this so that it makes us think: a few rich people, a small group, possess more than all the rest of humanity. This is pure statistics. This is an injustice that cries out to heaven! At the same time, this economic model is indifferent to the damage inflicted on our common home. Care is not being taken of our common home. We are close to exceeding many limits of our wonderful planet, with serious and irreversible consequences: from the loss of biodiversity and climate change to rising sea levels and the destruction of the tropical forests. Social inequality and environmental degradation go together and have the same root (see Encyclical, Laudato Si’, 101): the sin of wanting to possess and wanting to dominate one’s brothers and sisters, of wanting to possess and dominate nature and God Himself. But this is not the design for creation.
“In the beginning God entrusted the earth and its resources to the common stewardship of mankind to take care of them” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2402). God has called us to dominate the earth in His name (see Gen 1:28), tilling it and keeping it like a garden, everyone’s garden (see Gen 2:15). “‘Tilling’ refers to cultivating, ploughing or working, while ‘keeping’ means caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving” (LS, 67). But be careful not to interpret this as a carte blanche to do whatever you want with the earth. No. There exists a “relationship of mutual responsibility” (ibid.) between ourselves and nature. A relationship of mutual responsibility between ourselves and nature. We receive from creation and we give back in return. “Each community can take from the bounty of the earth whatever it needs for subsistence, but it also has the duty to protect the earth” (ibid.). It goes both ways.
In fact, the earth “was here before us and it has been given to us” (ibid.), it has been given by God “for the whole human race” (CCC, 2402). And therefore it is our duty to make sure that its fruit reaches everyone, not just a few people. And this is a key element of our relationship with earthly goods. As the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council recalled, they said: “Man should regard the external things that he legitimately possesses not only as his own but also as common in the sense that they should be able to benefit not only him but also others” (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, 69). In fact, “The ownership of any property makes its holder a steward of Providence, with the task of making it fruitful and communicating its benefits to others” (CCC, 2404). We are administrators of the goods, not masters. Administrators. “Yes, but the good is mine”: that is true, it is yours, but to administer it, not to possess it selfishly for yourself.
To ensure that what we possess brings value to the community, “political authority has the right and duty to regulate the legitimate exercise of the right to ownership for the sake of the common good” (ibid., 2406).[1] The “subordination of private property to the universal destination of goods, […] is a golden rule of social conduct and the first principle of the whole ethical and social order” (LS, 93).[2]
Property and money are instruments that can serve mission. However, we easily transform them into ends, whether individual or collective. And when this happens, essential human values are affected. The homo sapiens is deformed and becomes a species of homo œconomicus – in a detrimental sense – a species of man that is individualistic, calculating and domineering. We forget that, being created in the image and likeness of God, we are social, creative and solidary beings with an immense capacity to love. We often forget this. In fact, from among all the species, we are the beings who are the most cooperative and we flourish in community, as is seen well in the experience of the saints. There is a saying in Spanish that inspired me to write this phrase. It says: “Florecemos en racimo, como los santos”: we flourish in community, as is seen well in the experience of the saints.[3]
When the obsession to possess and dominate excludes millions of persons from having primary goods; when economic and technological inequality are such that the social fabric is torn; and when dependence on unlimited material progress threatens our common home, then we cannot stand by and watch. No, this is distressing. We cannot stand by and watch! With our gaze fixed on Jesus (see Heb 12:2) and with the certainty that His love is operative through the community of His disciples, we must act all together, in the hope of generating something different and better. Christian hope, rooted in God, is our anchor. It moves the will to share, strengthening our mission as disciples of Christ, Who shared everything with us.
The first Christian communities understood this. They lived difficult times, like us. Aware that they formed one heart and one soul, they put all of their goods in common, bearing witness to Christ’s abundant grace in them (see Acts 4:32-35). We are experiencing a crisis. The pandemic has put all of us in crisis. But let us remember that after a crisis a person is not the same. We come out of it better, or we come out of it worse. This is our option. After the crisis, will we continue with this economic system of social injustice and depreciating care for the environment, for creation, for our common home? Let’s think about this. May the Christian communities of the twenty-first century recuperate this reality – care for creation and social justice: they go together … – thus bearing witness to the Lord’s Resurrection. If we take care of the goods that the Creator gives us, if we put what we possess in common in such a way that no one would be lacking, then we would truly inspire hope to regenerate a more healthy and equal world.
And in conclusion, let us think about the children. Read the statistics: how many children today are dying of hunger because the distribution of riches is not good, because of the economic system as I said above; and how many children today do not have the right to education for the same reason. May this image of children in want due to hunger and the lack of education help us understand that after this crisis we must come out of it better. Thank you.
[1]See GS, 71; S. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo rei socialis, 42; Encyclical Letter Centesimus annus, 40.48).
[2]See S. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Laborem exercens, 19.
[3] “Florecemos en racimo, como los santos” (We bloom in clusters, like the saints): a popular expression in Spanish.
Your Eminence,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear brothers and sisters!
I have the pleasure of welcoming you all, gathered here from many parts of the world, despite the difficulties due to the pandemic, to attend the international conference “Eradicating child labour, building a better future”, which will take place this afternoon at the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
The scourge of the abuse child labour, on which you are reflecting together today, is of particular importance for the present and the future of our humanity. The way we relate to children, the extent to which we respect their innate human dignity and fundamental rights, expresses what kind of adults we are and want to be, and what kind of society we want to build.
It is shocking and disturbing that in today’s economies, whose productive activities rely on technological innovations, so much so that we talk about the “fourth industrial revolution”, the employment of children in work activities persists in every part of the world. This endangers their health and their mental and physical well-being, and deprives them of the right to education and to live their childhood with joy and serenity. The pandemic has further aggravated the situation.
Child labour is not to be confused with the small domestic tasks that children, in their spare time and according to their age, can perform as part of family life, to help parents, siblings, grandparents or other members of the community. These activities are generally beneficial to their development, as they allow them to test their skills and grow in awareness and responsibility. Child labour is something else entirely! It is the exploitation of children in the production processes of the globalised economy for the profit and gain of others. It is the denial of children’s rights to health, education and harmonious growth, including the possibility to play and dream. This is tragic. A child who cannot dream, who cannot play, cannot grow up. It is robbing children of their future and therefore humanity itself. It is a violation of human dignity.
Extreme poverty, lack of work and the resulting desperation in families are the factors that expose children most to labour exploitation. If we want to eradicate the scourge of child labour, we must work together to eradicate poverty, to correct the distortions in the current economic system, which centralises wealth in the hands of a few. We must encourage states and business actors to create opportunities for decent work with fair wages that enable families to meet their needs without their children being forced to work. We must combine our efforts to promote quality education that is free for all in every country, as well as a health system that is accessible to all without distinction. All social actors are called upon to combat child labour and its causes. The participation in this conference of representatives of international organisations, civil society, business and the Church is a sign of great hope.
I urge the Department for the Service of Integral Human Development, which is also responsible for promoting children’s development, to continue its work of stimulating, facilitating and coordinating the initiatives and efforts already underway at all levels to combat child labour.
And to you, speakers and participants at this meeting, I express my gratitude: thank you for sharing your expertise and commitment to this cause, which is truly a question of civilisation. I encourage you to continue along this path, without becoming discouraged by the inevitable difficulties, but always expanding the network of people and organisations involved. Let us always keep in mind the words of Jesus in the Gospel: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me”. (Mt 25:40).
I entrust you, your families and your work to the maternal intercession of Mary Most Holy, and I bless you from my heart. Thank you.
Dear brothers and sisters, good day and happy feast day!
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, that is, His manifestation to all peoples in the person of the Magi (cf. Mt 2:1-12). They are wise seekers who, after wondering about the apparition of a star, set out on a journey and arrive in Bethlehem. And there, they find Jesus, “with Mary His mother”, they bow down and they offer “gold, frankincense and myrrh” (c. 11).
Wise men who recognize the presence of God in a simple Child: not in a prince or a nobleman, but in the child of poor people, and they prostrate themselves before Him, adoring Him. The star led them there, before a Child; and they, in His small innocent eyes, perceive the light of the Creator of the universe, to whose pursuit they have dedicated their existence.
It is the decisive experience for them, and important for us too: indeed, in the Child Jesus, we see God made man. And so let us look at Him, let us wonder at His humility. Contemplating Jesus, staying before Him, adoring Him in the Eucharist: it is not wasting time, but giving meaning to time. To worship is not to waste time, but to give meaning to time. This is important, I repeat: to worship is not to waste time, but to give meaning to time; it is rediscovering the course of life in the simplicity of a silence that nourishes the heart.
And let us also find the time to watch children, like the Magi watch Jesus: the little ones who also speak to us of Jesus, with their trust, their immediacy, their wonder, their healthy curiosity, their ability to cry and laugh spontaneously, to dream. God is made like this: a Child, trusting, simple, a lover of life (cf. Wis 11:26), with our children; patiently, as grandparents know how to do! If we stay before the child Jesus and in the company of children, we will learn to be amazed and we will start out simpler and better, like the Magi. And we will know how to have new outlooks, creative outlooks on the problems of the world.
Let us ask ourselves, then: in these days, have we stopped to adore, have we made a little space for Jesus in silence, praying before the crib? Have we dedicated time to the children, to speaking and playing with them? And finally, are we able to see the problems of the world through the eyes of children?
May Mary, Mother of God and ours, increase our love for the Child Jesus and for all children, especially those burdened by wars and injustice.
06.01.24 a
Pope Francis
26.05.24 Holy Mass, Saint Peter's Square
The Feast of the Holy Trinity - Year B,
World Children's Day
Dear children, dear boys and girls, we are here to pray, to pray together, to pray to God. All right? Do you agree with this? Yes? And we pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many "gods" are there? One in three persons: the Father who created us all, who loves us so much God and when we pray to God the Father, what is the prayer, what is the prayer that we all pray? [they answer: the Lord's Prayer].
Let us always ask God, the Our Father, to accompany us in life and to make us grow. What is the name of the Son? [answer: Jesus] I don't hear well! Jesus! And Jesus, let us pray to Jesus to help us, to be close to us, and even when we receive communion we receive Jesus and Jesus forgives us all our sins. Is it true that Jesus forgives everything? [Answer: Yes] You can't hear it, what's going on... Is that true? Yes! But does he always forgive everything? [Answer: Yes] Always, always, always? [Answer: Yes] And if there is a man or a woman, a sinner, a sinner, a sinner with many sins, does Jesus forgive them? [Answer: Yes] Does he forgive even the ugliest of sinners? [Answer: Yes] Yes! Do not forget this: Jesus forgives everything and always forgives, and we must have the humility to ask for forgiveness. "Forgive me, Lord, I have made a mistake. I'm weak. Life has put me in trouble but you forgive everything. I would like to change my life and you help me." But I didn't hear right, is it true that he forgives everything? [Answer: Yes] Well done, don't forget this.
The question is, who is the Holy Spirit? Well, it's not easy, because the Holy Spirit is God, he's within us. We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we receive him in the sacraments. The Holy Spirit is the one who accompanies us in life. Let us think this and say it together: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life". All together: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life." It is what tells us in our hearts the good things we must do. Another time: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life." It's the one that when we do something wrong, it reproaches us inside. "The Holy Spirit..." You forgot, I don't hear... Again! The Holy Spirit is the one who gives us strength, consoles us in difficulties. Together: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life."
Thus, dear brothers and sisters, boys and girls, we are all happy because we believe. Faith makes us happy. And we believe in God who is "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." All together: "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." The Father who created us, Jesus who saved us, and what does the Holy Spirit do?
Thank you so much to you, but to be sure, Christians, we also have a mother, what is our mother's name? What is the name of our Mother in Heaven? [answer: Maria] Do you know how to pray to Our Lady? [Answer: Yes] Sure? Let's do it now, I want to hear... [recite the Hail Mary] Good boys and girls, good girls and boys, you are good. Did the Father create us, did the Son save us, and what did the Holy Spirit do? Good! May God bless you, pray for us, so that we can go forward, all of us, pray for parents, pray for grandparents, pray for sick children. There are so many sick children behind me here. Pray always and above all pray for peace, so that there may be no wars. Now we continue the Mass but lest we forget, what did the Holy Spirit do? [they answer:The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life] Good!
Pope Francis
08.01.25 General Audience Paul VI Audience Hall,
Catechesis. The Father's most loved. 1
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
I wish to dedicate this and the next catechesis to children, and to reflect in particular on the scourge of child labour.
Nowadays we want to turn our gaze towards Mars or towards virtual worlds, but we struggle to look in the eyes of a child who has been left at the margins and who is exploited or abused. The century that generates artificial intelligence and plans multiplanetary existences has not yet reckoned with the scourge of humiliated, exploited, mortally wounded childhood. Let us think about this.
First of all, let us ask ourselves: what message does the Sacred Scripture give us about children? It is curious to note that the word that occurs most frequently in the Old Testament, after the divine name of Jahweh, is the word ben, that is, “son”: almost five thousand times. “Certainly, sons (ben) are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward” (Ps 127:3). Children are a gift from God. Unfortunately, this gift is not always treated with respect. The Bible itself leads us through the streets of history where songs of joy resound, but also the cries of victims are raised. For example, in the book of Lamentations we read: “The tongue of the infant cleaves to the roof of its mouth in thirst; children beg for bread, but no one gives them a piece” (4:4); and the prophet Nahum, recalling what had happened in the ancient cities of Thebes and Nineveh, writes: “Even her little ones were dashed to pieces at the corner of every street” (3:10). Think of how many children, today, are dying of hunger and destitution, or torn apart by bombs.
The storm of the violence of Herod, who slaughters the infants of Bethlehem, erupts immediately even on the newborn Jesus. A dismal tragedy that repeats in other forms throughout history. And here, for Jesus and His parents, is the nightmare of becoming refugees in a foreign country, as still happens today to many people, to many children (cf. Mt 2:13-18). Once the storm has passed, Jesus grows up in a village never named in the Old Testament, Nazareth; He learns the carpenter’s trade from His legal father, Joseph (cf. Mk 6:3; Mt 13:55). In this way, “the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon Him” (Lk 2:40).
In His public life, Jesus went preaching from village to village together with His disciples. One day, some mothers approached Him and presented Him their children to bless; but the disciples rebuked Him. So Jesus, breaking with the tradition according to which children were considered simply as passive objects, calls the disciples to Him and says: “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. And He thus indicates the little ones as a model for adults. And He solemnly adds: “Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it” (Lk 18:16-17).
In a similar passage, Jesus calls to a child, places him among the disciples, and says: “Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3). And then He cautions: “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Mt 18:6).
Brothers and sisters, the disciples of Jesus Christ must never allow children to be neglected or mistreated, to be deprived of their rights, not to be loved or protected. Christians have the duty to earnestly prevent and firmly condemn violence or abuse against children.
Today too, in particular, there are too many children forced to work. But a child who does not smile, a child who does not dream cannot know or nurture his or her talents. In every part of the globe there are children who are exploited by an economy that does not respect life; an economy that, in so doing, consumes our greatest store of hope and love. But children occupy a special place in God’s heart, and whoever harms a child will have to account to Him.
Dear brothers and sisters, those who recognize themselves as children of God, and especially those who are sent to bring the glad tidings of the Gospel to others, cannot remain indifferent; they cannot accept that our little sisters and brothers, instead of being loved and protected, are robbed of their childhood, of their dreams, victims of exploitation and marginalization.
Let us ask the Lord to open our minds and hearts to care and tenderness, and for every boy and every girl to be able to grow in age, wisdom and grace (cf. Lk 2:52), receiving and giving love. Thank you.
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
In the last audience we spoke about children, and today too we will talk about children. Last week we focused on how, in his work, Jesus repeatedly spoke of the importance of protecting, welcoming and loving the little ones.
Yet, even today in the world, hundreds of millions of minors, despite not being of the minimum age to undergo the obligations of adulthood, are forced to work and many of them are exposed to particularly dangerous work; not to mention the boys and girls who are slaves to trafficking for prostitution or pornography, and forced marriages. And this is rather bitter. In our societies, unfortunately, there are many ways in which children are abused and mistreated. Child abuse, of whatever nature, is a despicable act, it is a heinous act. It is not simply a blight on society, no, it is a crime! And it is a gross violation of God’s commandments. No child should be abused. Even one case is already too many. It is therefore necessary to awaken our consciences, to practice closeness and genuine solidarity with abused children and young people, and at the same time to build trust and synergies between those who are committed to offering them opportunities and safe places in which to grow up serenely. I know a country in Latin America, where a special fruit grows, very special, which is called arándano [a species of cranberry]. Harvesting the arándano requires tender hands, and they make children do it, they enslave them as children to harvest it.
Widespread poverty, the shortage of social support tools for families, the increased marginality in recent years along with unemployment and job insecurity are factors that burden the youngest with the highest price to pay. In the metropolises, where the social divide and moral decay “bite”, there are children engaged in drug dealing and the most diverse illicit activities. How many of these children have we seen fall as sacrificial victims! Sometimes tragically they are induced to become “executioners” of their peers, as well as damaging themselves, their dignity and humanity. And yet, when on the street, in the neighbourhood of the parish, and these lost lives present themselves before our eyes, we often look the other way.
There is also a case in my country: a boy called Loan has been abducted and his whereabouts are unknown. And one of the theories is that he has been sent to have his organs removed, for transplants. And this happens, as you well know. This happens! Some return with a scar, others die. This is why today I would like to remember this boy Loan.
It pains us to recognize the social injustice that drives two children, perhaps living in the same neighbourhood or apartment block, to take diametrically opposed paths and destinies because one of them was born into a disadvantaged family. An unacceptable human and social divide: between those who can dream and those who must succumb. But Jesus wants us all free and happy; and if He loves every man and woman as His son and daughter, He loves the little ones with all the tenderness of His heart. That is why He asks us to stop and listen to the suffering of the voiceless, the uneducated. Fighting exploitation, especially child exploitation, is the way to build a better future for the whole of society. Some countries have had the wisdom to put children’s rights in writing. Children have rights. Look yourselves on the internet to find out what children’s rights are.
And so, we can ask ourselves: what can I do? First of all, we must recognize that, if we want to eradicate child labour, we cannot be complicit in it. And when is this the case? For example, when we purchase products that involve child labour. How can we eat and dress, knowing that behind that food and those garments there are exploited children, who work instead of going to school? Find out where those products come from. Awareness of what we purchase is a first act in order not to be complicit. Some will say that, as individuals, we cannot do much. True, but each one can be a drop that, together with many other drops, can become a sea. However, institutions, including church institutions, and companies must also be reminded of their responsibility: they can make a difference by shifting their investments to companies that do not use or permit child labour. Many states and international organizations have already enacted laws and directives against child labour, but more can be done. I also urge journalists – there are some journalists here – to do their part: they can help raise awareness of the problem and help find solutions. Do not be afraid, denounce, denounce these things.
And I thank all those who do not turn away when they see children forced to become adults too soon. Let us always remember the words of Jesus: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Saint Teresa of Calcutta, a joyful worker in the vineyard of the Lord, was a mother to the most disadvantaged and forgotten girls and boys. With the tenderness and attention of her gaze, she can accompany us to see the invisible little ones, the too many slaves of a world that we cannot abandon to its injustices. Because the happiness of the weakest builds the peace of all. And with Mother Theresa, let us give voice to the children:
“I ask for a safe place where I can play.
I ask for a smile from someone who knows how to love.
I ask for the right to be a child,
to be the hope of a better world.
I ask to be able to grow as a person.
Can I count on you?’ (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)
Thank you.