The Creation Era

The Creation Era

The creation of our world, the very history of the soil that we stand upon, is fragmented at best. What is known is that our world started out as a seed. This seed was carefully cultivated and grown by four Gods whose names and origins have been lost to the sands of time. Barely any documents remain that detail much of anything about them, and the only thing I have been able to recover is some information on their motives. Though, I have my doubts on the credibility of such ancient sources. 

What was their reason for tending to this seed?  

To create a sort of utopia world for themselves; a sanctuary where they could toy with cosmic powers beyond our ken - to shape this world and all creatures that lived in it, sentient or otherwise. Being their final creation, the native-born humans along with this world were the only legacy left behind by these mysterious Gods. The first humans were primitive at best. However, there is no actual written history about them specifically during this period save a few lone and badly weathered cave paintings. This begs the question; is there any written history about humans during this era or did they simply have no written language up to this point? 

As I have stated earlier, recorded history of humans in this era is woefully incomplete. However, the next era, which these ancient humans referred to as The Golden Era, saw great technological advances as you shall read below, dear reader.

Jiro Nakayama, first day of the month,

at the Silken Sheath brothel and tavern,
