Rules & Information

You must be 18 years or older to play on this sim.

Please wear the observer tag and appropriate sim attire if you are just looking around or observing RP. ​(This does not apply to the landing zone.)

Controversial topics including, but not limited to real world politics or religious beliefs, are prohibited.

Please keep IC in IC Chats, and OOC in OOC chats.

There are some things that will result in an automatic ban from Origins of Sin. Examples:

Underage play. We do not allow anything under 18+ or looking to be under 18 at Origins of Sin. (This includes NPCs)

Soliciting for Lindens

Clear breaches of SL TOS

 Avatar Restrictions: 

NO underage avatars/characters or NPC's.

All avatars/characters must be and appear over 18  (NO AGE PLAY!)

NO gods, Sci-Fi, or licensed characters (Cloud, Sonic, Geralt, etc.)

​Attire Restrictions: 

No Sci-Fi, Steampunk, or Modern. Keep it fantasy. (Gorean attire is acceptable.)

All fantasy races and creatures are welcomed.

Examples: Humans, Elves, anthropomorphs, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, mythical creatures like Fae, Satyrs, etc.