HUD Coin - How To?
How to use the HUD Coin System
How to Get Your Stipend:
Using the HUD coin system is fairly simple. All characters receive an initial allotment when starting in Origins of Sin, that being Two Silver and Fifty Copper (2s, 50c). Every week past that, you have the options for collecting a wealth stipend if you'd taken the stat. This does not include any business you may attract, or other employment you may find, but it is the basic means by which all characters generate wealth.
To collect your stipend, do the following:
Click the center icon on your HUD, and select ‘Character’.
After that, click on 'Currency', then 'Stipend'.
1.) You get a ten (10) Copper per week stipend from the 'Free Stipend' automatically when you log in, no clicking needed!
2.) If you added points in your ‘Wealth’ stat, you also gain a twenty (20) Copper per week stipend per point taken by clicking on 'Wealth Stipend'
3.) The 'Piggy Bank' can be used once a day to receive 5 copper, if you have less then 5 copper!
How to Pay in HUD Coin:
In Origins, it is encouraged that all use HUD coin use regardless if one is from the Cabbala, Helheim, or the JLE. In fact, nearly every character on Sim- even if they are a Nomad,- utilizes HUD coin! Sometimes coin comes into play for business transactions, like if someone's getting a drink down at the Bound Elf, a business owned by Daniella Travesty. Other times Factions will collect Taxes from their people, and one would need to pay them to the Monarch. There are even opportunities for one to be paid coin for doing labor, Well, how does someone use coin?
First, you’d find out from whoever’s offering the items for sale or the services being rendered, what the cost is via your roleplay. For example, a bowl of stew at the Bound Elf would cost Three Copper (3c). So for that Three Copper, you will pay the establishment. Go to your HUD and click on the little money bag here.
Then you’ll get a pop-up menu… Click pay and it’ll ask you three things:
1.) Who you’re paying - their HUD name - make sure you have the right one, it’s the one you see over their head if you can see their HUD titler. In circumstances where you do not have the name available, you can often find it in a business notecard, or you can leave an offline to handle the transaction later. In the case below, we’re using Deacon Iskander... Again, character name on HUD titler, not avatar name (which would be Alex Giacobini).
2.) The amount of what you’re spending. Now if you’re just using copper, (and most will!) then you type ‘3c’ for Three Copper. If the item cost is more expensive, say One Silver and Three Copper, you can type 1s 3c, and it will take the proper amount.
3.) Then you put an explanation or description for what the amount is for, it will show up both on your records on the website (more on that later) as well as your recipient’s end, so -they- know why they’re getting money!
Then on your end, after you hit submit, you’ll see:
And they’ll see something like the below… Or if -you’re- the one getting paid, you’ll see this next bit of text in your local chat:
And that website mentioned before? There’s a history that you can go back at anytime and look up transactions, similar to a bank account, with negative and positive amounts, and your total at the end. So for the amount paid to Deacon, on the website it shows:
Now, the above screenshots that are not in SL might cause some confusion- like what website are you looking at? You have access to it- and it's encouraged you do so! GPHUD allows you to keep track of your characters and their stats- including their currency transaction history! To access it, we have to start from the beginning. Start by clicking the center of your HUD once more.
You’ll get this pop-up:
From here, you’ll click on ‘Websites’, and get this next pop-up:
Click on HUD Website, and then you’ll get:
And dependent on your viewer settings, you -might- get one more, just to make sure you’re ok with opening that webpage. It’s all good - go to it! Once it opens, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you’ll see three links, you want the first one called View Currency.Currency History:
And then you’ll be able to see all those transactions in and out, hopefully more in than out!
Hopefully this helps you get a better idea of some of the basics of using HUD coin here in Origins of Sin! If you ever have questions, feel free to ask a member of Staff! We're all here to help!