General Rules
On Origins of Sin all Rules are equally applied to Staff and Players alike.
If anyone breaks a rule please ask for a staff member in the OOC Chat in SL or #sim-stuff-questions on Discord.
Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for violating them.
You must be 18 years or older to play on this Sim or join the Discord.
Consent is the cornerstone of roleplaying in Origins of Sin. While we do not require explicit consent to be communicated for every roleplay, we do require that Consent be respected by all parties if presented. However:
In Character Actions (ICA) equals In Character Consequences (ICC). The usage of consent to circumvent such is unacceptable.
Fade to Black (FtB) is a recommended method of avoiding an uncomfortable Roleplay while satisfying ICA = ICC.
A character in a general open area should have an expectation that they will be interacted with, please try to be inclusive of your fellow role-players when possible.
If there are any concerns between players please communicate with them, misunderstandings can often be resolved.
As an adult dark fantasy Roleplay Sim it is expected that many terrible things may happen to your character, but that should never apply to the player. Please respect your RP partners.
There is zero-tolerance for any harassment, bullying, or hate speech. Slandering, toxic behavior, personal attacks, or any related behavior towards players, staff, or the sim/server is prohibited.
Controversial topics, such as real world politics and religious beliefs, is prohibited within Origins of Sin. Please take it to private messages.
In Character Consequences may often involve roleplay that you may not personally enjoy, however this is never an excuse to attack or abuse a fellow role-player.
If there is a concern or problem in Origins of Sin it is the responsibility of the player to reach out to Staff.
The following is your responsibility:
1. Origins of Sin does not accept 3rd Party submissions of unacceptable activity. The aggrieved party must be the one to contact staff. The only exception to this is blatant LL TOS violations
2. The burden of proof is upon the person submitting the complaint, dispute or problem.
3. Unedited Chat Logs, Screenshots, or other evidence is required to support a complaint, dispute, or problem.
4. Origins of Sin will not divulge corrective action taken by staff, however do throughly investigate any issue brought to their attention.
Prims and Tools
Origins of Sin is generally accepting of the use of prims and HUDs in roleplay. However:
Using a Non-Approved HUD for dice roles, wealth, items or other roleplay influence other then cosmetic is not permitted.
Dropping or wearing items that disrupt the sim or roleplay is not permitted. (Griefer objects/prims/particle bloomers/temp rezzers/etc.)
Using an item or HUD on another player without their explicit permission.
Using "Spy or Griefer" tools, including pushers, listeners, etc. is not permitted.
It is acceptable to rez items for roleplay, please keep it below 100li, within the fantasy theme, and pick up said items after the Roleplay has concluded. For more information see 'Rezzing Rules'.
Presence in RP
The following are rules for your character to be "seen" in Roleplay.
Players must post into a scene before they are considered there. By posting into a scene you are consenting to the RP.
If a player did not post into a scene, it is established they were not there and were just observing (OOC).
Players cannot RP witnessing or hearing what others have done/said IC'ly if you do not make it known you are in a scene.
A player must consistently RP in a scene to be considered present. An opening post and then quietly observing (ie. not posting) is not permissible as a method of interacting in a roleplay.
All GPHUDs must be configured with a character "name" or "nickname" that reflects the character's identity. Roleplayers are entitled to know OOCly the name of the characters they are engaging with, even if a disguise is being utilized ICly. (In such instances we recommend using the "Disguised" status in the HUD!) The use of the HUD's Character Slots, GPHUD narrator function (Default /2@), third-party scripts, HUDs, or programs to conceal or falsify character names for posts is strictly prohibited
Roleplay that does or will affect other players must be played out in-character on sim. In-world logs must be able to be easily provided in case of altercations.
Avatar Restrictions
Please follow these rules for avatars. If you have any questions please ask for staff evaluation.
No underage avatars/characters or NPC's, all avatars/characters must be and appear over 18.
Age Play is not permitted.
No Gods, Sci-Fi, or licensed characters (Cloud, Gandalf, Geralt, Sonic, etc.)
All fantasy races and creatures are welcomed. Examples: Humans, Elves, Weres or anthropomorphic, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Fae, Satyrs, Animals, etc.
Attire Restrictions: No Sci-Fi, Steampunk or modern. Keep it fantasy. (Gorean attire is acceptable.)
We ask that players be mindful of their avatar size on sim. For a reference of the largest size allowed, please see the Dawn Kingdom Elder Dragon. Its size is roughly 19 meters long, 11 meters wide (with wings closed), 9 meters high. If you have any questions about an avatar not listed, reach out to Staff.
**Dragon Avatar Max Sizes allowed on Sim
Dawn Kingdom - Elder
ATC Aether Drake - Large
ATC Dwarf Dragon - Large
Dream Crawler - Magnus
i-Monster Dragon (Eastern & Western)
Roleplay Etiquette
The following are general expectations and requirements from role-players on Origins of Sin:
No Power Gaming
Power Gaming: When a player is RP’ing an all-powerful character and refuses to acknowledge weaknesses and consequences.
Ex: Someone who is all-powerful and never takes any losses, always RP’ing around anything that would realistically happen to their character.
Keep in mind that many role-players enjoy complicated and realistic characters, and Power Gaming is both against the rules and will result in others not wanting to RP with you.
No Godmoding
Godmoding: When a player is emoting emotions, responses, actions on behalf of another character without consent of the person it is happening to, such as:
When a character (Player 1) attacks another character (Player 2) and Player 1 states that Player 2 was hit, not giving Player 2 a chance to let their character dodge.
When a person is thought emoting and projecting what other people are thinking.
No Metagaming
Metagaming: Unnaturally learning or using IC information through OOC means, such as:
Using knowledge about where a person is on the map given to them OOC’ly in order to rescue them.
Hearing conversations through a closed door or through floors without being in speaking range.
Using HUD Coin or Resources from multiple characters to achieve a collective result that would not be in the interests of those characters.
Objecting OOCly to consequences, and then ICly taking advantage.
Thought Emoting
This is making known to other players what your character is thinking. When used to convey malicious thoughts that the player has OOC’ly to another player it is against the rules.
Be mindful that your thought emoting might have negative consequences for others if done maliciously and will prevent others from wanting to RP with you.
Thought emoting, when done right, is used as a narration enhancement tool and allows other players to actively engage in the story with you.
Roleplay Backstory Content
The following are general expectations and requirements from role-players on Origins of Sin:
Underaged NPCs
Origins of Sin does not permit the use of underaged characters in Roleplay. However they may be referenced as backstory and "off the screen" RP, as in they exist and can be mentioned, however they are not permitted to be "rezzed" or "In-Scene" in any fashion.
Furthermore, the following types of RP is not permitted referencing these "off the screen" underaged characters specifically in any way:
However, in a generalized fashion comments may be made, Examples:
"I curse you and your descendants nine generations!"
"I will raze your village to the ground, and spare no-one!"
Referencing locations that exist in "Real Life" is not generally recommended. However, it is not specifically prohibited in Origins of Sin, provided the era either matches or is older then our current technology level.
(Please reference our section regarding Technology.)
I.E. it is acceptable to be from 1312 London, but not 2020 Seattle.
Developing your own backstory with fictional locations is also acceptable, again provided it matches era wise.
Please be patient and understand that other players will not be familiar with the locations that you share!
Some common methods for "transport" from locations (both real and fictional) to Sincadere include portals, magic spells, teleportation, enchanted items, curses, etc. Let your imagination go wild!
One of the unique features of Origins of Sin is the ability to create fantastical storylines for your character, with minimal restrictions from character creation rules. One of the ways this can manifest is having a character that is "wealthy" in their storyline, without having the HUD Coin to coincide with it!
This is permissible, however may occasionally be a bit problematic when a vendor won't take your backstory money!
In occasions such as these we recommend players communicate, however there are no requirements for "Forcing HUD Coin" transactions, nor for a vendor to accept your backstory money!
Backstory Money is often referred to as foreign currency in Roleplay, where other Role-Players require Local Currency, "HUD Coin."
If players cannot agree, end the RP as amicably as possible!
Many players enjoy having detailed backstories, with family lines, some very detailed and including royal or noble lineages.
As with Finances and Locations please understand that while this history is integral to your characters story it will likely not be respected ICly in the manner it would be where your characters are from!
Be creative with this, try to use guile and charisma too make a character think you're nobility in Sincadere, or use a roll to see what the other character thinks! (Consent required and discussion encouraged.)
The Rules on Origins of Sin are subject to change. Please review the rules regularly and if there is any confusion please reach out to the Staff for explanation. The staff reserve the right to remove any member of the community that does not follow the rules, please see the Disciplinary Warning System for more information on this process. The well-being, health, and safety of our Staff and Players is our highest priority.