Combat Rules

The form of combat used on Origins of Sin is Dice Combat through our HUD. 

 In Origins of Sin, it's crucial to acquaint yourself with the Combat rules. These rules encompass the nuances and factors that must be taken into account during Roleplay Combat.

Free Form Combat is allowed as long as ALL PARTIES involved in the combat agree. Refer to the Code of Conduct to avoid Metagaming, Powergaming, and Godmoding.

No other HUDS are permitted.

Rules are subject to change. Exploiting oversights at the expense of other players will result in consequences.

Commonly Asked Questions:

At least two (2) posts of Aggressive RP (from the intended Combat Initiator) must take place before initiative can be rolled. BEFORE initiative is rolled, either party can call for backup (within 20 meters). Time must be given to allow for backup players to RP into the scene/potential fight.

Q: When is it ok to not have two (2) posts of Aggressive RP to roll initiative?

A: When it has been agreed by ALL players involved to start initiative without RP. 

Q: Is Antagonizing RP considered Aggressive RP? 

A: There are varying degrees of what people consider to be Aggressive RP. Are insults on the lower spectrum cause to lead to initiative? It could in excess. If you are going into another faction slinging around insults and threats at a group this can potentially be considered Aggressive RP and refusal of attempts to roll initiative on you could be seen as avoiding consequences. 

*** If you choose to attack someone outside of aggressive or antagonistic RP towards you, it will make you the aggressor.

*** We encourage players to reach out OOC'ly with other parties to coordinate attempts to start combat so that everyone is on the same page. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to plan every attack, but simply be courteous while you're RP'ing with others.

Initiative Roleplay for Combat

Rolling Initiative:

Terms, Definitions and Examples: 

3. RP Aggressor: A player who RPs aggressively that could lead to a fight, a player who RPs aggressively is not always the Combat Initiator.

4. Combat Initiator: A player who has rolled initiative first, the player who rolls initiative first is not always the RP Aggressor.

White Knighting

Definition: Someone who steps in to defend another person without asking if that person wants to be rescued or defended.

Calling for Help

Before the Initiative Roll, When calling for players IC'ly for help with a fight:

Attack on Combat Roll

When attacking, a player can choose to:

The fight is over once a player has lost all of their health points (3).

The opponent only loses a health point if the attacker’s roll is successful (a hit).

The attacker does NOT lose a health point if the attack is NOT successful (not a hit).

Ties result in a reroll.​

End of Combat

When combat has ended, no one involved in the fight can fight again for another hour.

Healing can be fun and add a whole new flavor to combat! it can also unnaturally draw them out. So, that being said, a few rules and regulations are in place to try and keep things fair and rolling. 

Out of Combat Healing: 

It takes one (1) hour to heal up to full health either on your own or through healing RP that anyone can do, No Healing Stat Required!


Combat Healing: 

              - One (1) stat point is required to become a Combat Healer.

During combat to be able to heal another person, there are some rules to keep in mind:

Fleeing Combat

Players can only attempt to flee from combat ONE time.

On the HUD, select the dice button, then Combat, then click Flee 1v1 or Flee 1vGROUP.

When rolling flee vs a GROUP, your flee roll is against the entire group.

IC Aggressor and Combat Initiator ARE allowed to attempt to flee from combat.

​Fleeing in 1 v 1 Combat:

The player who is the RP Aggressor leading up to initiative cannot say ‘no’ to a 1v1 if the Non-Aggressive player has rolled for initiative when proper RP has taken place just prior.

If the person who is the RP Aggressor rolls initiative after proper RP has been given, the Non-Aggressor CAN say no, but under the knowledge that it could possibly condition other players to not want to RP with them in the future.

Fleeing in 1 v Group Combat:

A ratio of 1:1+1 per combat is encouraged to keep fights fair. The exception is if all parties agree to there being more on one.

A player who is NOT the RP Aggressor or Combat Initiator CAN ask for a 1 v 1 with the player who rolled initiative first, or with the player they were originally RP’ing with.

A player who is the RP Aggressor, but NOT the Combat Initiator, cannot say ‘NO’ to a fight if proper RP has taken place prior. However, the RP Aggressor who was initiated ON has the right to ask for a 1 v 1 with the player who started initiative or with the player they were originally RP'ing with.

Victory Phase and Capture RP

The winner of a fight has the right to claim Victory Phase (capture RP) outside of protected faction areas. 

As always capture roleplay is consent-based. 

Protected Faction Areas: 

​The following are forms of Capture RP:

If the captor(s) in question does not provide roleplay to the captured, then the captured can reserve the right to leave the scene after informing one of the members of the group.

Limits MUST be discussed either in IMs or in an Avatar’s profile section.

Killing a player’s character MUST ALWAYS be agreed upon by the player whose character would be killed.

For Roleplay Involving Factions

If you wish to set a limit to your capture time, please contact the other parties involved before commencing in the roleplay. The group in question has the right to refuse the roleplay on this premise. We do understand that nobody likes to be captured and not get RP, so we encourage you to reach out to your captor if this happens. If no resolution can be found, then you may leave the scene by way of escape. If involved in a faction capture, reach out to your captor or any of that faction and if no resolution can be made reach out the faction lead. Remember the sim is all about consent, but we do encourage you to let the RP play out and if you aren't comfortable with something to reach out OOC'ly.