Stony Brook Grist Mill Interior

The hopper is funneled into the mill stones.

In this setup you can actually see the runner stone whirl around as the stones are engaged.

Little Blurry. But you can identify the chute and the ground corn meal.

Miller Packaging Corn Meal to Sell

Ground Corn Meal from Mill Stones

Belts, Pulleys and Line Shaft

Drive Shaft from Water Wheel with Pulley and Belt

Corn Sheller



Display of Wooden Piers from Salt Works

Click Here for Google Map to locate Stony Brook Watermill

and the Herring Run Site

Stony Brook Grist Mill

Address: 830 Stony Brook Road, Brewster, MA 02631

Directions: From Brewster at the intersection of Route 124 and 6A, take 6A east about one mile, turn left on Setucket Road.

The mill will be about 1.5 miles on the right.

Click Here for Brewster Historical Society


Cape Cod. Map. Rand McNally, 2000.

Burrows, Fredrika A., Windmills on Cape Cod & the Islands, William S. Sullwold Publishing, Inc. Tauton, Massachusetts.