
Hydration is essential for every athlete. The best way to hydrate is to drink an adequate amount of water. Sometimes an athlete can get depleted of electrolytes which will cause the runner to become dehydrated. Electrolytes are an important minerals that help you retain water. Examples of electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and chloride. Runners can lose these essential minerals by sweating during training or their race. It is important to maintain adequate levels of electrolytes. Below are examples of drinks that help you hydrate and maintain electrolytes. 

Electrolyte Drinks

Drip Drop

Homemade lemon and salt drink


Smart Water

Gatorade Zero


Yes, watermelon has water, vitamins, and electrolytes!


Coconut Water

Hydration Drinks


This is the best way to stay hydrated!!!

Fruit Infused Water

Below are drinks that dehydrate you and should be limited during competition season. 

Drinks with Caffeine natural or not

Energy Drinks 

Any type of soft drink

High in sugar drinks

Tea or Coffee