Whirlwind Woman

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Whirlwind Woman

The Coyote was on the move. He met Whirlwind Woman, who crawled along in the shape of a caterpillar at times. "Get out of my way," Coyote said. The Whirlwind Woman vanished, and the dust spun in a circle. The coyote attacked her once more. "I don't want you to leave, Whirlwind Woman!" She dashed away. "There are some people I like to have near me, but I do not like you," he said again. She flew away, but she returned to him as he walked along the river.

Coyote was starting to like her by this point. "I want you to be my sweetheart," he told her.

"No," she replied. I'm used to constantly moving. I dislike staying in one place for long periods of time. I go on vacation. " I would not be your wife.

"You're exactly like me!" exclaimed Coyote. I'm always on the move. I even have the same ability as you. " Coyote began to run, turn, and spin around, kicking dirt into the air with his feet and attempting to raise a large amount of dust. The Whirlwind Woman refused to look over his shoulder. The Coyote began spinning around once more. He spun around and kicked up the dirt, jumping up and down, stirring up more dust and kicking it higher.

As you can see, I have the same power as you. For me, you're the wife. "I'll take you right now." He grabbed her and attempted to lay on top of her.

Whirlwind Woman began spinning, catching Coyote and tossing him headfirst into the riverbank. Then she blew him into the water, where he became stuck in the mud.

"I was just kidding. "I had no intention of doing anything," said Coyote.

But Whirlwind Woman had already left. "Such is my strength," she retorted.