Coyote Visits the Women

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Coyote Pays a Visit to Women

Coyote was once walking along the shore of a large lake. He wanted to swim across to an island on the other side, but he didn't know how. He was considering how he would get there when he noticed a young man paddling a canoe. When he got closer, Coyote summoned him to the shoreline and inquired as to what he was doing. "I'm out hunting ducks."

"That's excellent. I'll paddle your canoe while you're shooting. "

The young man agreed, and they both went out onto the lake. "Brother, let me go across to the other side there while you are plucking these ducks," Coyote said after they had gotten some ducks. The other man agreed and went ashore, and Coyote paddled over to the island, tied the canoe up, and climbed a hill to look around. He saw a large village, a circle of forty lodges centered on one. He went up to the village and met a young girl on the outskirts. Coyote thought she was attractive. "Are there a lot of men here?" Coyote inquired.

"We have no idea what men are."

"Who lives in the circle's center?"

"We have two chief women who look after us." They are our leaders, so go to them.

A coyote walked into the main lodge. A young fox was strapped to a papoose board on the right, and a rabbit was on the other side. The rabbit jumped up and hit Coyote with a coup stick, which meant that Coyote would belong to the rabbit's mother.

The Rabbit Woman took a seat beside Coyote and handed him a bowl of pemmican to eat. He handed her the bowl after he finished eating and asked, "What are these two here for?"

"These are our kids."

"Are there any men here?"

"No, we have no idea what men are."

The lodge was exquisitely decorated with skins, quills, and beadwork. There were numerous nice work bags around. Coyote reasoned that he could have some fun and get some of these items for himself. "I'll show them something," he thought, showing them his erect member, making his pants stand up. Rabbit Woman was the first to notice it and stooped down to examine it more closely. She was astounded. The other lady was also looking down. "What exactly is this thing, and what is it good for?"

"To link our bodies together."

"Does it have to be in some part of my body?"

"Come on over here, and I'll show you."

He placed his hand beneath the woman's dress and indicated a location. "If I put my member in this place, you will find it very agreeable," Coyote said as he lowered her to the ground and began to have sexual relations with her. When he was done, he made love with her again and then rolled over, saying to the other, "I would like to lay your legs open like this too," and he climbed on top of her. During his time with this woman, the mother of all the women in the village arrived. She heard the woman making pleasant sounds and was curious as to how pleasurable this intercourse was. Coyote dragged her down and had coitus with her until her penis collapsed. But she wanted more, so she forced him to do it again. Coyote was terrified because it wouldn't work. All of the other young women crowded around, demanding to have sex with Coyote. Coyote was unable to erect his member. They were all grabbing at it, trying to stiffen it. Coyote wanted to flee and began to run, but he was apprehended.

"You will be heavy after intercourse," he warned them, "bringing forth children who will come out of that opening," but they refused to believe him. "You will have little boys and girls." The boys will have a member like this hanging down. You will have everything you desire. "

Coyote could tell that they didn't believe him. They desire sexual encounters. He desired to flee. "I need to go off and pass water," he explained. He said, "You cannot watch while I do this," but the women wanted to go along with him so he wouldn't escape. "I'm not going anywhere," Coyote declared. I'll be on top of that hill. I can see you. "It's impossible for me to run while passing water."

Coyote climbed to the top of the hill and ran for the canoe as soon as he arrived. One woman saw him fleeing and called 911. They pursued him, but he was the first to reach the canoe. Some of the women dove into the water and attempted to swim after him, but he paddled away as fast as he could.

When he reached the other side, he said to his companion, "Brother, there was nothing over there except rocks and trees." "I discovered nothing."

The women stood on the far shore, watching the men until they vanished.