Coyote Takes Water from the Frog People

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

The Coyote Borrows Water from the Frog People

Coyote was out hunting when he came across a dead deer. Coyote picked up one of the deer's rib bones that resembled a large dentalia shell and took it with him. He climbed to see the Frog People. The Frog People possessed all of the water. When anyone needed water to drink, cook with, or wash with, they had to go to the Frog People.

Coyote was mentioned. "Greetings, Frog People. My dentalia shell is quite large. I'd like a large glass of water. "I'd like to drink for an extended period of time."

"Give us that shell, and you can drink all you want," the Frog People said.

Coyote handed them the shell and started drinking. The coyote drank from the water behind a large dam.

"I'm going to keep my head down for a long time because I'm really thirsty," Coyote said. Don't be concerned about me. "

"All right, we won't worry," the Frog People said.

Coyote started drinking. He drank for an extended period of time. "Hey, Coyote, you sure are drinking a lot of water there," one of the frog people finally said. "Why are you doing that?"

The coyote raised his head from the water. "I'm the water. "I

"Coyote, you sure are drinking a lot of water," one of the frog people said after a while. Perhaps you should give us another shell. "

"Just let me finish this drink," Coyote said, returning his head to the water.

The Frog People were perplexed as to how someone could drink so much water. This irritated them. They suspected Coyote was up to something.

Coyote was digging under the dam while his head was underwater. "That was a good drink," he said when he was finished. That's exactly what I needed. "

The dam then collapsed, allowing the water to flow into the valley and form creeks, rivers, and waterfalls.

The Frog People were furious.

"You've drained all the water, Coyote!"

It is not right for one person to have all of the water. It is now available to everyone.

That was done by Coyote. Anyone can now go down to the river and get a drink, some water to cook with, or just swim around in.