Coyote and Spider

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Coyote and Spider

Coyote was walking one day. He was ravenous. A spider was perched on a tree. The Coyote discovered the Spider and desired to devour him.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" Spider inquired.

"I'm going to devour you."

You know, I overheard some people over there discussing killing you. I'll go over there and see what they plan to do. "

"All right," Coyote said. "Please return soon."

Spider promised to return, but he never did.

Coyote continued on and discovered another spider. He intended to devour him.

"I'll tell you something good now," Spider said. "What makes you think I'm on this tree?" "How do you feel about this?"

"I'm not sure."

"I grip this tree, close my eyes for a moment, and see everything in the world." Because this tree is the ruler of the entire world, spiders are always drawn to it.

"That's new to me," Coyote said.

"Do you not want to see everything?"


"Well, close your eyes for a moment and hold on to this tree, and you'll see everything."

The spider vanished as soon as Coyote closed his eyes. Coyote never noticed anything. That was his experience.