Coyote and Mouse

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Mouse and Coyotes

The young women were dancing while the young men watched. "Young men, expose your members," a good-looking young woman said to the men. She had told the other women that she would sleep with the man who had the smallest member of his family. Coyote had overheard this and approached Mouse before the dancing began. "My dear younger brother, give me your little member," he said to Mouse. I'll give you this excellent one of mine. It's exactly what you should have for these ladies. " They switched members. Coyote had the smallest membership when all the men removed their breechclouts and faced the young women. "This one is very small," the young woman said, "but I'll go with him."

"Come look, this person's member is enormous!" said the others. Take a look at it! " Then they all turned around to see Mouse dragging Coyote's member. It was consuming all of his energy. "How is this?" inquired the men and women. "Your membership is massive, but you are so small." Your member is larger than you. " They teased him about it a lot. They poked and swatted at his members with sticks. He tried to flee, but the thing was too large. "This is not mine!" he finally exclaimed.

"Whose fault is it?"

"It belongs to the first worker." He took mine with him, and this is his. I'm doing my best to walk with it. It's pointless. I can hardly drag it."

"First worker, you wished to get that girl," they said. You stole a family member from this person. Come on, this is your representative. "Return it." Coyote approached. He noticed that his member was covered in dust and cuts. "Let's go," he said to the mouse. They crossed into a gully, and he returned to his organ. He threw the mouse down and walked away.