Coyote and the Mallard Ducks

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Mallard Ducks and Coyote...

Coyote was making his way up the river when he noticed five Mallard Duck girls swimming on the other side. He hid himself in the bushes and was immediately aroused. Then he devised a strategy to satisfy himself.

Coyote stretched his penis and tossed it into the river. It bobbed on the surface of the water. Coyote didn't like this, so he drew it in and tied a rock to it to keep it below the water's surface. He tossed his penis back in, and it sank to the bottom. With great difficulty, he drew his penis back in and tied a smaller rock to it. This was perfect. It sat just below the water's surface, where no one could see it. He tossed it over to where the girls were swimming. He started cohabiting with the oldest girl.

They had no idea what was wrong with their older sister, who was moving around in the water and making strange noises. When they realized what was going on, they grabbed the penis and attempted to pull it out. When they couldn't, they got out on the bank, grabbed their older sister, and tried to pull it out that way, but they couldn't, so they started laughing.

When Coyote was satisfied, he approached the girls and asked, "My sisters, what's the problem over there?" They informed him. "Cut that thing off with some wire grass," he said. They did, and Coyote cut the other end off where he was, and the penis's middle section fell into the river and became a ledge.

The oldest girl became ill at that time. Coyote swam down the river for a short distance before returning upstream to the girls' camp, where the oldest girl was nearly dead.

"Coyote, the medicine man, has arrived," the girls said, recognizing him. They requested that he heal the sick girl. He said he'd do it, but they needed to seal up all the holes in the lodge so no one could look in and steal his medicine by watching. He requested that they leave him alone with the girl for a short time.

He gathered the sisters around the lodge and instructed them to sing a song and keep time on a log with sticks. "Watch the time on the log very carefully; for the time being, I'm going to take it out."

"I will stick it back on, I will stick it back on," Coyote began to sing.

He returned to the lodge and copulated once more with the Mallard Duck girl, recovering the tip of his penis. The girl had been cured.

Following that, everyone claimed that Coyote medicine was extremely potent.