The Hoodwinked Dancers

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

The Tricked Dancers

Once Coyote was walking through the bulrushes along the edge of a lake when he stopped to look around. There were numerous waterbirds present, including mallard ducks and those large white swans. They were camping there and swimming everywhere. There were a lot of attractive fat geese.

Coyote emerged from the bulrushes and began walking in a direction where everyone could see him. He was carrying a large bag of some kind.

They called out, "Hey, Coyote." "What are you transporting in there? " It appears to be heavy."

"These are my songs," I say.

"What gives you so many songs?"

"I have a lot of visions." That's how I get all these songs. In addition, I enjoy dancing, so I like to have a variety of songs with me.

"All right, then, let's have a big dance." Some of these songs are appropriate for you to sing.

"All right. However, these are powerful songs. You can't play games. You must follow my instructions. You can't act insane. "

They said they'd be fine and set up a large area for dancing.

Coyote began to direct their actions. He got his dancing sticks out.

"No one is permitted to look at anything while I am singing my songs." You must perform your dance with your eyes closed. If you open your eyes, you will be severely injured, if not killed. "

They agreed to close their eyes and began to dance. They danced hard, and Coyote was a good singer. The Coyote was using his dancing sticks to beat on a log.

"Remember, brothers, close your eyes. When we're done, I'll see about giving you some of these songs. "

While they were all dancing around, Coyote reached into his bag and pulled out a large club. When a fat duck passed by, he struck it over the head and killed it.

Coyote yelled, "Stop, brothers!" Take a look at this! Consider what has happened to this individual. He opened his eyes and then died. Keep your eyes shut. "

They all started dancing again, even singing some of their own songs as they danced as hard as they could. A coyote grabbed one of the ducks by the throat, causing it to squawk. "Yes, brothers, sing as loud as you can."

He'd almost hit all of the ducks with his club when a black duck, who'd been listening to all the noises, opened one eye, just a little. When he saw what Coyote was doing, he yelled to the others, "Run away! "Coyote is hitting everyone with a stick." Only a few of the remaining birds made it to the water.