Coyote Steals Otter’s Coat

by Alan Nafzger & Lilly Tabbytite (Comanche)

Coyote Takes Otter's Coat

The animals once decided to hold a council to see who had the best fur. They all had different coats, with some having short hair, some having long hair, some having spots, some yellow or black, and some brown. They were always arguing about who had the best coat.

Otter had the finest coat, but no one knew because he lived up at the head of a long creek and never came down to where the other animals were. They didn't even know where he lived; just a general direction. They hoped he would show up. They expected him to hear about the council and come along.

Coyote had been listening to everything. He thought his coat was the best, but he was concerned that others might think Otter's was better. He could see them making that decision, so he began inquiring about Otter's whereabouts. When someone gave him an answer, he would look away as if he wasn't paying attention, so no one could guess what he was thinking.

He then went off to find Otter without saying anything.

He spent four days walking up the creek until he found him. The otter's fur was soft, dark brown, and thick, so he recognized him right away.

Otter was delighted to see him. "Where are you going, Coyote?"

"I was sent up by the animate to bring you down to the council." They assumed you wouldn't know the way because you live so far away.

This made Otter very happy. They immediately set out for the village.

They traveled all day, and when night fell, Coyote set up camp. Otter found the country strange. Coyote trimmed some bushes for beds and cleaned everything up.

They set out again the next morning. Coyote began collecting sticks along the way late in the afternoon.

"What are you doing, brother?" Otter inquired.

"We'll build a nice fire tonight and sleep warm and cozy."

They eventually came to a halt near sunset and set up camp.

After supper, Coyote took a stick and carved it into a paddle.

"What are you up to there?"

"It's a paddle." When I sleep with a paddle under my head, I always have good dreams.

Coyote cut away all the bushes to make a clear path down to the river after he finished paddling.

"What are you up to?"

"This is known as the 'place where it rains fire.' It sometimes rains fire here. Tonight's sky looks like this. You retire to your bed. I'll stand up and observe. If the fire comes, run down this path and jump in the river as soon as you hear me shout. "You should hang your coat on that limb over there so it doesn't catch fire.

The Otter hung up his coat and went to bed.

Coyote eventually called out in hushed tones to see if Otter was awake. There was no response. He yelled once more. Otter was sound asleep. Coyote then took the paddle and filled it with hot coals from the fire. He hurled them into the air and exclaimed, "It's raining fire!" "Fire is falling!"

Otter jumped up and ran for the river as hot coals fell everywhere. "Jump in the water and swim!" "Coyote," who was right behind him, yelled. An otter leapt into the water and swam out into the middle of the river. Finally, the fire ceased to burn. An Otter chased after a Coyote. There was no response.

Coyote wore Otter's coat to the council meeting. When the other animals saw him, they recognized Otter and agreed that Otter had a beautiful coat. They were all excited to meet him, but Otter was extremely shy. He kept his arm raised above his face. When Bear finally pulled his arm away, they realized it was only Coyote. A bear attempted to grab him, but Coyote was too fast. He escaped.