
Q: What age do I need to be to volunteer?

A: You need to be at least 14 years of age to Volunteer at N2U.

Q: Does going to volunteer meetings count as time toward the volunteer hours?

A: No, they don't count towards your hours since this is a meeting to keep you informed of whats going on and/or planing an event (ie: Masquerade) and are not mandatory to attend.

Q: How do you get 15+ Hours and still be able to do stuff at the convention?

A: You can get 15+ hours and still do things at the convention by volunteering the Friday of the convention and the Sunday night of the convention. Friday duties would be helping unload the truck and trailer for the convention at the convention site then helping setup the rooms for the convention. Hours don't stop counting once the rooms close Sunday. The rooms still need to be packed up and loaded into the truck and trailer and those hours count as well.

Q: If I plan on volunteering at the convention, do I still have to pre-register or purchase a membership at the convention?

A: Yes, you must register for N2U before you can sign up as a volunteer at the volunteers' desk. If you work enough hours, you can even earn your membership fees back.

Q: What will I do as a volunteer?

A: N2U needs volunteers to help out with general events around the convention. Examples include helping to keep an eye on line-ups and video rooms room counts etc...

Q: If I’m interested in volunteering for the convention, what should I do?

A: You should fill out the volunteer form an await further emails in regards to volunteers.

Q: I’m under 18, can I still volunteer?

A: Yes, but you’ll need to get your parents to sign their consent on the volunteer waiver form. Print this form , have them sign it, and bring it to the convention.

Q: Can I sign up for anything in advance?

A: We’ll have a volunteer’s orientation meeting about a month before the convention. (Fill out volunteer form) to be placed on the list to hear about this. You can come to this meeting and sign up for shifts in advance, if there is anything you are particularly interested in helping out with. Note you may not get placed where you requested. Note that you don’t have to attend this meeting in order to volunteer for the convention, it is for information purposes only.

Q: Will volunteering for N2U will count towards my 40 hour high school community service requirement, right?

A: Ontario high schools require students to have put in 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. Volunteering at N2U counts if the person from the school who decides if you completed all your hours wants them to count. We've been told no by various schools, many students have been told no, while others have been allowed to count them. The convention does not have the time or resources it takes to figure out what schools do or don't count them, not with all the other work that goes in to putting the convention on. So if anyone wants us to vouch that they worked the hours, we'd have no problem doing that as long as they really worked the hours. But it's up to each student to find out beforehand whether the hours will be counted for them or not, and whether it makes a difference if they volunteer in certain areas and if it does, to let the volunteer coordinator know that you want to volunteer for those areas and why. Please note that if you are helping as part of your community service, you are not entitled to any of the rewards.

Q: What’s the reward structure for so-many-hours volunteered?

A: Below is a list showing what you can receive in return for volunteering so many hours.

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Rewards:

2-4 Hours:

5% off preregistration membership

4-6 Hours:

10% off preregistration membership

6-8 Hours:

10% off preregistration membership + T Shirt

8-10 Hours:

15% off preregistration membership + T shirt

10-12 Hours:

20% off preregistration membership + T shirt

12-14 Hours:

25% off preregistration membership + T shirt + Dead dog party

14-16 Hours:

50% off preregistration membership + T shirt + Dead dog party + a chance to be on staff next year

17+ Hours:

100% off preregistration membership + T shirt + Dead dog party + a chance to be on staff next year

Volunteer Waiver Form
Minor Volunteer Waiver Form