
What is a sketchbook

A sketchbook is a tool that  creative people use to explore ideas, to experiment, to practice their craft and to amuse themselves. Anything can go in a sketchbook. The point is not that it is pretty but that it is useful and allows creative people to express themselves without the need of extensive technology. 

Your task is to create a consistent practice of making entries into your sketchbook, kind of like a diary but with art, paint, doodles, writing or anything else you find around. 

You will make one sketchbook entry EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY AND FRIDAY. You will submit your entry on Google classroom every day before the end of our class. You scan or take a picture with your phone or webcam.  Most entries will be open to any topic and medium so long as you fill an entire page. On Wednesdays you will have a specific prompt or response to a reading or video. 

Learning Goals for Sketchbook Assignment

Success Criteria for Sketchbook Assignment

What can I use as a sketchbook?

Your sketchbook must contain at least 50 pages and be at least 5.5 x 8.5 inches.

Any of the items below could be used as a sketchbook. You are NOT required to buy a new sketchbook unless you want to. See if you can find one lying around your house or you can even make one yourself as long as you have access to paper. Here are some options to consider.

What am I being graded on?


Can you show me some examples of sketchbook entries?

For each entry, you must fill the entire page. On Wednesdays you will be filling a spread, meaning two pages. I will not be grading you on how pretty your entries are. Rather I will look for you to be using the space, to doodle, to write, to experiment with ideas, to write down resources and lists. But almost every inch of your entry should be filled with something. 

Empty space = lower grade.

Fill the page. It's OK to be messy. Explore and experiment.

What if I can't think of anything to do for open entries?

No problem. Click on the link below for some ideas to get you started:

How do I submit my sketchbook entry?

You must submit your Sketchook entry  as a digital picture or scan through Google Classroom every weekday EXCEPT Friday before 3:15pm.

Option 1 - Take a picture with your phone and upload to your computer to submit to Google Classroom or use the Google Classroom app to upload directly from your phone.

Option 2 - Use a digital scanner if you have one available to create a digital image of your sketchbook entry. Upload to Google Classroom. 

Option 3 - Hold your sketchbook up to your Chrome Book or computer webcam and take a picture. Load this picture up to Google Classroom.