Virtual Gama

Client 1:  Virtual Gama

[ Logo Design ]

Client Brief: 

Virtual Gama is a professional competitive video game player who is gaining wider recognition and is looking to recreate her brand in order to reach out to bigger sponsors and grow her fan base. 

Virtual Gama needs an exciting but simple new logo that captures her personality. She preferably wants something iconic, that communicates energy and fuses her two favorite things: video games and animals. 

Virtual Gama would like the logo to incorporate geometry, like a triangle, diamond or polygon, and some type of cool animal. Some of her favorite animals include the Axolotl, Tarsier, Iguana, and Octopus . Her favorite colors are bright yellow, lime green, grey and black.

Contact this client at


2023 Branding.pdf

Sample of Final Project

This is an example of what your final project might look like. Take a look at each of the pages and the components. Obviously, your version has to be significantly different. You may not use the same pictures or same colors, and you are free to arrange your project as you best see fit. In this case, I made a logo for a client named Gamero, but that is only an example. 

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