Tuna Tone

Client 2: Tuna Tone

[ Advertisement Campaign ]

Client Brief: 

Tunatone makes custom guitars in Edmonton, Alberta. The guitars are inspired by Japanese and catalogue guitars from the 60's. This guitar maker has an established reputation for creating simple, small, beautiful hand-made instruments. 

The client is looking to launch an Advertisement campaign to reach a wider audience and is looking for a series of ads that will appear on magazines and on billboards. 

The client is interested in reaching a diverse audience, so she needs three different campaigns, one that reaches costumers with emotion, one in which she contracts a famous spokesperson, and one that highlights the specifications and features of her designs. 

To get pictures for the ad and see her work, check out here website: tunatoneinstruments.com

Contact this client at mtdmagraphics@gmail.com


2023 Tuna Tone.pdf

Sample of Final Project

This is an example of what your final project might look like. Take a look at each of the pages and the components. Obviously, your version has to be significantly different. You may not use the same pictures or same colors, and you are free to arrange your project as you best see fit. In this case, I am including some of the ads you've seen previously, but you have to make the ads specifically for Tuna Tone