Broadcast Journalism Syllabus

What is Broadcast Journalism?

Broadcast Journalism explores the  stories that we encounter in the modern world and how we can analyze, deconstruct and recreate those narratives. This includes the movies we see in theaters and the videos we stream online. It is the music and podcasts we enjoy. It is social media reels, news broadcasts, TV shows, commercials, animated features and so much more. Broadcast Journalism  examines the effect of stories on our culture, education and entertainment.

Learning Goal for Broadcast Journalism

To master creative skills in digital media in order become an effective storyteller and communicator.  To explore the many professional possibilities that make use of your sophisticated technical skills in the real world and pursue a career in digital media production or broadcasting. 

How to achieve the learning goal?

You will reach your goal by creating more sophisticated projects using digital cameras, audio equipment, and video editing and animation software. You will create scrips, storyboards, work in production teams, work with lighting, and use computers to produce podcasts, high quality short films, interviews, public service announcements and a weekly school broadcast. You will also learn to analyze the work of professional storytellers in order to apply their craft to your own productions. 

Why is this important?

Broadcast Journalism and Digital Media is a wide-ranging and lucrative career opportunity. Entire industries are built around technology, storytelling and media production. Great storytellers who can communicate effectively through technology enjoy a distinct advantage in the work place and in our society. 

This class is designed to teach you essential production skills and  how to use professional tools to create impactful stories, explore important narratives and communicate effectively. Even if you do not end up pursuing a career in digital media or broadcast journalism, these concepts are still incredibly important. Understanding technology, media and storytelling will make you see your world with new eyes and enrich your life in profound ways. 

Weekly Breakdown

1st Quarter:

2nd Quarter:

Week 1

What is Broadcast Journalism?

Week 1

Welcome Back & Tech Review

Week 2

Trailivision Workflow

Week 2

Storyboards Revisited

Week 3

Careers in Digital Media & Broadcasting

Week 3

Music Video

Week 4

Video Journalism 

Week 4

Film Conventions

Week 5

Broadcast Interview Project

Week 5

Film Trailer

Week 6

Power and Peril: Digital Social Media

Week 6

Dialogue Scene

Week 7

Digital Media Ethics: AI, Copyright, Digital Citizenship & Privacy

Week 7

Loop Story Reel and Film Festival

Week 8

The Explainer Video

Week 8

The Passion Project

Week 9

Explainer Video Final

Week 9

Passion Project Final

Week 10

Online Porftolio Final

Class Resources:

You will be taking this class in the Trailivision production studio.  This is is an amazing space full of advanced production equipment, lights, and computers. You will be assigned your own iMac desktop each quarter to complete your projects.

The software you will use and in this course includes the Adobe Creative Suite, focusing specificcally on Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects as well as an online video editor called WeVideo. You will also use other online applications including Canva, Google Drive and Google Classroom.

Other equipment you will use includes digitial cameras, including DSLRs and mirrorless cameras, an assortment of lenses, microphones, audio equipment, mixer and MIDI musical instruments.  

Required Materials:

Grading Policy:

Projects & Grade Breakdown:

This class is a Project-Based Course. Most of the projects have multiple components and each part must be completed  in order to receive a grade. The grades in this class break down as follows:

60% - Video Projects

30% - Assignments, Guides and Reports

10% - Weekly Quizzes

Norms & Expectations

This class follows a set of common sense norms in order to create a respectful, positive and nurturing learning environment for all students. The classroom norms outline the expected day to day behaviors and practices for everyone in the classroom. The Content and digital norms focus on the expectations in relation to the technology we use and the content we create as part of this class.  Please visit the links below a detaled look at the norms and expectations. 

Who is your Instructor

Mr. Sarabia is the C.T.E. Digital Media Arts instructor at Monterey Trail High School. With over 18 years of experience as an educator, Mr. Sarabia is dedicated to help students develop a passion for film, animation, music production, and graphic design. His classes nurture creativity, curiosity and problem solving. In addition to being a teacher, Mr. Sarabia is also an independent multimedia creator, graphic artist, photographer, musician and writer.