Content & Digital Norms

You are a content creator!

This is incredibly exciting, because it means that in this class you have the power to explore your creativity, experiment with new technology and use your voice to express yourself and to communicate with the world. 

However, as you are in a professional academic environment, this power comes with great responsibility. 

Therefore, creating any material, including images, animation, recordings, video or sound that includes anything in the below list is NOT allowed:

Not adhering to these norms will result in a failing grade for your project, as well as the immediate suspension of the privilege to access the equipment, computers or software in this class. 


All our digital device norms stem from one basic principle:

Use your common sense in an academic environment.

This class subscribes these common sense norms in order to create a positive and nurturing learning digital environment for all students. As such, the following behaviors are NOT permitted and will result in the  immediate termination of access to computers and equipment at the  Lab. The length of this termination depends on the gravity of the behavior and can range from a few minutes, to a whole day to no longer being able to use the computer. These rules apply both during class session and during breaks, during lunch and after school: