Trailivision Conventions


Framing means how you decide what will appear within the camera frame. This can involve deciding how far, or how close the camera will be to what it being filmed, the angles and the spacing. See the example below for the best framing:

What is great about this frame?

Video Safe Zones

These are called "Safe Zones." The green rectangle shows you where most of your subject should be. The top of the head should generally be close to the top safety line. Any higher and you risk cutting off the top of the head. That's a big No-No in film. If the head is too low, on the other hand, you get too much headroom and the video looks unprofessional because there is too much unused space. The center guid shows you where you should appear in your video. 

Avoid the following framing mistakes! These are Huge No-No's!

Subject is NOT centered or not on a third
Too much headroom (Space above the head)
Camera is too close. It actually alters the proportions of your face and it's not flattering.
Camera tilted upwards and not at eye level. Fans or lights can be seen behind subject's head.
Camera is handheld or not leveled horizontally.
Bright lights or windows behind subject = bad lighting.


Sound & Video



The tone is the author's attitude in the video. The tone creates the mood that your viewer will feel and this needs to change according to the topic you are presenting.

For your news story or announcement:

For your fun segment or feature: