The National Daughter - Daddy Tour

In 2004, Ms. Afrika Abney met Ms. Renee Winfield at the National City Christian Church and she purchased two of her small abstract paintings on canvas during the event entitled: The National Daughter Daddy Tour which took place from 2004 - 2006.

From November 2004 – March 2006, Ms. Afrika Abney designed and implemented community outreach programs for Esther Productions. This involved developing program objectives, identifying potential audience, and developing outreach campaigns for the targeted population. With Esther Productions also helped create in-school program that focused on middle school girls growing up without their fathers.

This program was called The National Daughter-Daddy Reunion Tour, a new advocacy and service model that provides the first ever focus in the fatherhood movement on the plight of fatherless daughters. The Tour advances a program that encourages the reconciliation of daughters and once-absent dads. And, the Tour seeks to inspire healthy, long lasting relationships and marriages for fatherless daughters by providing them the resources they need to overcome the adverse consequences of absence.

The National Daughter-Daddy Reunion Tour was founded in 2005 by Jonetta Rose Barras, author of “Whatever Happened to Daddy's Little Girl?” and “Bridges: Reuniting Daughters & Daddies.” The National Daughter-Daddy Reunion Tour took place in Washington, DC on October 6, 2006 and October 7, 2006 at The National City Christian Church. Sponsored by CIGNA Healthcare, MedStar Health, The D.C. Metropolitan Healthy Marriage and Relationship Coalition-Together is Better Campaign, The Summit Fund, The National City Christian Church. Additional support was provided by Verizon, Washington, PEPCO, EmergeDC, LLC, The Downtown Cluster of Congregations, Bill Regardie, Nigel Parkinson Sr. and The Friends of the National Daughter-Daddy Reunion Tour.